Chapter 25: Up on the Balcony

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Author's Note:



Hey guys!


So thank you SOOOOO MUCH FOR YOUR LOVELY KIKS! I love them! You guys are so amazing! I still have 70 messages to reply to, so don't be impatient or think I'm ignoring you, I promise you, I'm not, I had to reply to over 200 messages, so yeah.


The reason I haven't been updating as frequently is quite personal. All I can say is that I'm sorry, it's been taking up all my free time and I'm finding it quite hard to cope with it all. Keep kicking me, I love to talk and express my feelings to you guys (SOUNDS LAME BUT HEY). If you ever need anyone to talk to, IM HERE BABIES! Just chat me!


Anyway, sorry for the wait again, and this chapter is dedicated to: iMaliksPrincess for her amazingly cute and adorable comment! THANK YOU BABYY.


Next one is dedicated to a commenter as usual! Don't give up! Love y'all! Enjoy!




**Belle's POV**



I was still laying uncomfortably on the bed in Harry's hotel room with my head in my damp, tear covered hands. Harry had been unhelpfully trying to comfort me for around half an hour, but it wasn't working, at all. Nothing was working. If anything, it was even worse that it had all started off to be.

Why was everything going wrong?

After another few unbearably uncomfortable minutes in silence, us just sitting there as he rubbed my back, I was about to lift my head from my hands, but thankfully, Harry spared me the effort.

He began to heavily shift from the bed. He lifted his 'comforting' hand away from the place he was rubbing on my back, and used it to push himself off of the bed instead, maneuvering himself quickly so that he was standing in front of me as I took my head out of my hands, looking to the ground instead.

"Come on Belle, we have to do something. We can't just stay here moping all day." Harry said impatiently, tapping his foot silently as he sighed, waiting for my response. I could tell he wasn't very patient.

"Like what?" I asked, lifting my head up from the ground and looking at him subtly, questioning him as he began to ponder my words, wondering what we should do. This can't be good.

After only a couple of seconds of Harry standing in front of me, stroking his chin lightly with his right hand as he tried to think of something to do, he suddenly jolted upwards, pointing his finger out in front of me. I guess he had an idea.

I could even slightly trace the light bulb that had appeared above his head as he had jumped upwards.

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