Chapter 4: Zayn's house

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**Annabelle's POV**

Before things got too out of hand, Zayn pulled away from the kiss, but he kept his hands on my waist, and I kept mine around his neck. We were still breathing heavily, and I'm not sure if it was because of our run through the forest or our kiss, but Zayn stared longingly into my eyes, looking for my reaction. I smiled slightly, looking towards the ground, and I heard him laughing, and he took my hand as I unwrapped my arms from around his neck and we continued to walk.

We were only walking for a couple of minutes more, and we came out of the forest onto a main road, but it was lit up by lamp-posts along it so that we could see where we were going. Zayn kept clutching tightly onto my hand, but he still seemed pretty nervous, as if someone was watching us, or if 'The Boss' was still following us. His hand was slightly sweaty, and he kept looking behind us nervously.

The walk along the road was peaceful. It was silent because of the hour, there were no cars around, and all I could hear was Zayn's breathing next to me, and the taps of our feet walking across the pavement. We were probably walking in silence for a couple of miles, until we came to a small villiage.

'Not far to go now, come on.' Zayn hurried, and we picked up pace slightly, speed walking. I sighed and started to walk faster as well, I was really worn out and tired, and I don't think my limbs would be able to hold out much longer.

As we walked through a couple of shady shops and houses, we got to a different estate, but it looked a bit different. There were dark alleyways and only a few lamps around so it was quite difficult to see where we were going, but surprisingly, Zayn seemed to know the pathway instantly.The houses were all shady and dark, not like the haunted houses you see in movies, but not much worse really. Zayn took a turn down an alley, where a couple of strangers were lurking at the end. It was like, 3 in the morning, why were they there?

Well, they probably thought the same about us.

The two strangers saw us, and started moving about a bit, and they blocked the end of the alley so that we couldn't get out. Zayn gave them a look, which was very scary, and he tried to shove them to the side forcefully, but they wouldn't budge.

'Now what do we have here? She's a pretty one!' One of the strangers said, laughing, while the other one laughed. You could smell the alcohol coming from them a mile away, and it made me gag and step back slightly.

'Don't touch her.' Zayn warned, stepping closer to them as they continued to laugh.

'And what are you going to do about it, pretty boy?' The other man said, still laughing, swerving drunkenly from side to side. Zayn's hand clenched tightly and unclenched as he quickly turned his head to look at me hopefully I don't know what he thought I was going to do about it, but it certainly didn't help. One of the strangers took Zayn's lack of concentration to punch him roughly in the face, shoving him angrily into the wall, hitting his head hard against the stone.

"ZAYN!" I cried out as he hung there, grunting in pain.

I didn't know what to do as the strangers laughed, and one of them grabbed my wrist and started to pull me away from the alleyway, as I yelled after Zayn, watching his body slump down on the wall. If I had to be kidnapped, I would pick Zayn over these old drunken men any day.

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