Chapter 17: Camden Town

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Author's Note: 

Hey guys:3 So to just clear up any confusion, ZAYN AND BELLE ARE NOT DATING, THEY AREN'T BOYFRIEND AND GIRLFRIEND! Sorry, I didn't make it very clear at all! I will fix that now haha, but they aren't dating. When Zayn said she was his girlfriend in the hotel the other night, it was just so that they'd get a room. He couldn't exactly say, 'Oh yeah, this is the girl I just kidnapped.' haha, and she didn't object because she was tired and they needed the room!

EVERYONE go and read my new story! It's a Niall Horan fanfiction called Drunken Love! I'm co-writing it with another wattpadder;) SO PLEASE go and vote + comment on there! I will update dark when that story has 300 reads and 25 votes! (A spot of blackmail c; tehehehe) It's only the prologue though, and it's not very long, so it'll take you not even a minute to read.X

Chapter dedicated to: rae_brookes for all her lovely comments;3 PERLEASE KEEP COMMENTING HERE LOVELIES! And thank you so so soooooooo much for getting me to 2M READS! IM SCREAMING! Love you<3


**Annabelle's POV**

I pressed my face up against the cold glass and peered out across the road, my eyes landing on the parked taxi up against the curb. That's funny, it was around 5 minutes early, but it doesn't matter, I just wanted to get out of that hotel as soon as possible, in case we ran into the hotel manager again. Even though Zayn said he wouldn't hurt the guy, I wouldn't put it past him. I saw the anger in his eyes flash when he was about to punch the man.

"Zayn! The taxi is here." I called out behind me, after pulling my face away from the window. I heard Zayn's heavy footsteps pace towards me from behind, and his arm stretched out above me, holding open the door. I quickly muttered a thank you to him, before stepping outside, wrapping my coat around my tightly as the cold wind struck me again. Zayn stepped out after me, and we both ran over to the taxi quickly.

I politely tapped on the car window three times with the back of my hand, bringing the driver out of his day-dream. He seemed oddly strange, he had a hood right up, and a hat on top, so I couldn't make out the shape of his face, but I trusted him, as he had a licensed taxi plate.

Once he had noticed us, the driver quickly unlocked the car doors, and instantly, Zayn and I jumped in, quickly slamming the door closed behind us to prevent any hot air escaping from the warm inside of the car.

As soon as we were in, the driver locked the car door. Okay that was slightly creepy and misleading... but I was probably just over-reacting. I get paranoid very easily. I sat slightly up in my seat to try and see the driver's face in the mirror, but the hood had fully shaded it, so all  I could see was darkness.

"So where are you going?" The man asked, ready to put in our destination into a GPS system navigator, his plump fingers hovering over the system expectantly, waiting for an answer. Zayn gave me a sidewards glance, and then he looked over to the man hesitantly.

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