Chapter 9: In a Taxi

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**Zayn's POV**

As I took her hand in mine, my phone started vibrating again, making us both jump in shock. I silently apologised to her as it really made her jump, and then I quickly answered the call, wondering who it is.

"Hello?" I asked worriedly into the phone. Not many people normally rang me up on a blocked number, but whenever they do, it's never for a good reason, and I had a very bad feeling about this one as a shiver ran down my spine, tingling the rest of my body.

"Just because you're not at the house doesn't mean I'm not going to find you and your precious girl. You're both too easy." He whispered. It was Harry. Harry was calling me. I think Belle heard him though, as she glanced at me shoved and I gulped as a nervous lump formed in the bottom on my throat, preventing me from speaking quickly.

"Stop the chase now before it's too late, I will find you, whether its now, or next week." Harry threatened, carelessly laughing as I soften my glance at Belle, who was quivering in fright. She looked so helpless, so weak and fragile, so easily breakable.

"Stop Harry. Give up now." I warned, before quickly pressing the red, 'end call' button with the tip of my thumb. I quickly gave a reassuring smile towards Belle, who smiles weakly back, and I grabbed her hand as we slowly paced out of the dark alleyway. I picked up the bag with out belongings in it from earlier, because it had clothes, food and money in it, so it would be a disaster if I had forgotten.

It was a bright day, but the alleyway's walls were made out of dripping cold, wet stone, and all view upwards was a small slither of sky, and the rest of the murky alley roof.

The second we stepped out of the alley, the warm summer sun rays hit my back, instantly warming me up slightly as I guided Belle down and across the pavement. We couldn't go back to the house now, not when Harry could be there, and take Belle away. But if we couldn't go back to the house, it meant we didn't have a car, which is a huge disadvantage for us.

I called over a taxi cab, which pulled over almost immediately as we clambered in quickly from the cold winter air, even though it was midday, the wind was pretty strong.

"Where do you want to go?" The man asked, quickly diverting his concentration from the steering wheel on to me and Zayn at the back, and then turning his head back to the road so that he didn't crash the car.

Zayn leant forward and whispered something to the driver so that I couldn't hear, even though I subtly leant forward slightly too, and strained my neck to try to hear what he said. Zayn leant back and grinned at me childishly, while I narrowed my eyes at him.

I quickly realised that we hadn't buckled our seatbelts up, so I reached up for mine, pulled it across my lap and clicked it into the hole, and then I reached across Zayn's body and clicked his in for him too, while he smirked at me and patted my head.

"So where are we going Zayn?" I asked him, leaning up and absentmindedly stroking his soft hair. He hadn't styled it very well. so it was still in the bed-head state but, because Zayn is so lucky, he could pull it off, and it still looked like he had styled it.

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