Chapter 71

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Harriet POV 

I slowly woke up, my head was pounding and aching. I open my eyes, wincing at the harsh light that hits my eyes. "Ow." I mumble quietly. I feel someone squeezing my head. "Hey. Hey are you awake." I heard a familiar voice answer. "What do you think?" I said sarcastically as I opened my eyes again and looked over at him. 

I couldn't place his face. I looked at him confused. "Are you ok? Do you know who I am?" He asked looking concerned. I closed my eyes as I tried to remember. After searching I remembered him. "Your Tom, right?" I ask not completely sure but his following smile confirmed it. "Yeah, yeah that's me. Do you remember what happened?" He asked as he rubs the back of my hand. 

"Ummm not exactly. I was looking at the black family tree, Did you know Sirius added me to it?" I asked getting distracted as I gave him a big smile which he returned. "No I didn't know but that is really sweet." He said. I felt my head pound again as I tired to remember what happened after that. "Then I was fighting and Dumbledore was there. Did he do something to me?" I ask him as he nodded. 

I head a knock on the door and then Narcissa entered, "Is she... oh hi Harriet how are you feeling?" She asks as she see's me awake. "I feel alright my head just aches a little and my mind feels fuzzy." I say honestly. She nodded as she came over and starts running some diagnostic spells on me. 

"Alright, your physically ok but mentally your memories are a little smudged. With enough concentration you should be able to remember most of them but it will be a little hard. Dumbledore mainly focused on your older memories so those will be harder." She says as she gives me a small smile. I give her a confused nod. "Tom are Sirius and Remus coming?" I ask as I look up at Tom who looks away. 

"Yeah Umm later, they are with your soulmates at the moment.." He admits. I feel my head ache again as I remember there faces. "Right my soulmates, are they ok?" I ask as I try to see their faces in my mind. Tom has annoyed look but a second later its gone, I almost thought I imagined it. 

"They are safe, worry about yourself and remembering right now. Do you want my help?" He asks as he gives me a smile and squeezes my hand. I look unsure, "Umm I guess so.." I say slowly as he nods. He grabs my other hand and closes his eyes and I copy him. 

Soon we are in a white space inside my mind. "Ok we need to go through these one by one to see what we can recover." He says as he gives me a reassuring smile. I felt nervous but nodded as we started picking through my memories. He helped me get rid of a few that were obviously fake and helped me save and recover others. 

Unfortunately Tom activated a memory to save it only for it to be sex memory. I watched his face heat up and look away as I can't help but laugh. "Are you serious? Why didn't you warn me?" He asked as he turns to me looking mortified. "Your the one that didn't check it was a safe memory first." I say as I give him a shrug. He sighs still not looking at the memory. "Can you remember it?" He asks looking mortified still. 

I give him a wink, "I remember enough." I say as he looks relieved. "Thank god, you know having to feel that stuff was bad enough but seeing it is much worse. That reminds you Severus will be giving you some important training on defending your mind from me later. Anyway is this one safe?" He says as he moves on, I nod. "Wait you felt it?" I ask concerned as he nods looking embarrassed. 

"I.. I did you see when I was..." I ask trailing off. "No I blocked as much as I could from my side. I could still feel it though as you didn't block from your side." He said. I felt myself heating up. "I'm sorry I lost concentration." I admit as he nodded. "Yeah I figured. Lets do a couple more and then leave it for the day." He says as I agree and we keep going through the memories. Finally we head out and I can't help falling straight to sleep. 

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