Where it all started

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✨ Authors Notes ✨ ~ This is my first story and it follows the adventures of Allie and her best friend Kasey as they travel the world, meet new people, learn about themselves, and fall in and out of love. Who knows how this will end...but I hope you will join me! See you soon - Ashley 

*I know this story starts off slow, but trust me it does get better. *

Allie's POV:

I'm Allison Carlyle, I live in a small town just outside of Charleston, SC. It's so beautiful here and I love living not too far from the beach. Ok so it's a bit of a drive, but so worth it. (Ding dong ) Oh, that's probably Kasey my bestie from 1st grade. Once Jacob Greene stole my lunch box and Kasey punched him in the face. Ever since then, we have been inseparable. Walking down the stairs, I open the door. 

(Back to 3rd POV)

"What the hell took you so long?" Kasey yelled at me. 

"Sheesh, I was coming calm your ass down, drama queen." Allie sarcastically responded. 

Just then Tyler (my older brother ) pops up behind me. " Uh, can you two keep it down? You're not teens anymore." rolling his eyes. 

Allie's POV:

"Ugh, I can't wait to catch our flights! Closing the door Kasey follows me upstairs to my room. I know what you're thinking...22 and still at home with mom and dad. Well, I would be cringed out too, but being here allows me to save up money."

Kasey's POV:

I've always loved coming over to Allie's house. I'm over here so much I might as well live here too. I've never told her this but Tyler isn't all that bad, he's actually really attractive. But shared secrets mean we can only be around each other for a few minutes without it getting weird. 

(Back to 3rd person POV) 

" So, Allie, did you hear who is coming to town?" Kasey asked raising her eyebrows and smiling hugely.

"No? Who????" Allie said responding with curiosity. 

"Dermot Kennedy! Did you miss his recent post on Insta?" Kasey responded shocked, rolling her eyes. "This girl is obsessed with Dermot and she missed this." she thought to herself.

"Kasey...Kasey!" Allie replied waving her hand in front of her bestie's face. "Hello....when and how much are the tickets? This may be our last chance before we go to Europe." Allie said frantically while searching her phone for the details she needed.

"Calm down chica! We have two weeks to go and the meet and greet seats will be like $425 for us both." "Done and done," Kasey responded cooly with a smug grin. 

From downstairs, "Allie, is Kasey staying for dinner?" Emma (Allie's mom) yelled.

"Yes, mom is that even a question." Allie responded yelling back over her shoulder." Before the girls could get back to their conversation, they were interrupted again. 

"Girls why don't y'all come down here for a bit," Richard ( Allie's father) added. 

Kasey's POV:

Heading downstairs I passed Tyler, his shoulder brushes mine and with a quick awkward smile he heads up to his room. Butterflies aside we finally enter the family's sitting room. For an old victorian style home, this house is enormous. Emma and Richard have always had a taste for unique and finer things. This house always makes me think of the home Sabrina shared with her aunts Hilda and Zelda. Minus the sassy black cat, you could practically feel the magic. 

(Back to 3rd POV)

"So are you two still looking forward to your upcoming travels?" Richard asked. 

"Dad, don't be so formal!" Allie snipped "and yes is that even a question!"

 "Well make sure both pack reasonably and be smart with your money," Emma added popping her head into the room. She was busily shuffling from room to room getting dinner prepped and chatting with her younger sister Peggy on the phone. "Aunt Peggy says hi !" She added quickly before disappearing again.

"I still can't believe Aunt Sarah left all that money for me when she passed," Allie said. 

"She was a smart woman who valued tradition and was always thinking one step ahead," Richard added fondly. 

Dinner was great as usual. Emma went all out making her famous casserole and a fresh garden salad to accompany it. After that, she served her famous pecan pie. The dining room smelled like sweet toasted pecans that had everyone drooling over themselves. The pie was paired with a scoop of deliciously cold vanilla bean ice- cream. Out of all her sisters, Emma was the most talented in the kitchen, and she always volunteered to cook during the holidays. Later on that night the girls were in Allie's room talking about the Dermot concert coming up. They were watching 'The Greatest Showman' while laying at the end of Allie's bed. 

"Who is texting you this late?" Allie asked. 

"No one special..." Kasey lied. 

"I wonder if he will play some of his old songs or if he will just play songs from his latest album. " Allie wondered laying back on her bed. Dermot's latest song, 'Young and Free' was filling the room. She could sense Kasey getting tensed so she decided to back off and drop the subject. 

"Not sure. But I can't wait to meet him." Kasey said.

~ The next morning ~

Kasey's POV

"I can't believe I stayed up all night texting Tyler. Ugh eventually we are going to have to figure this out," Kasey thought to herself. 

(Back to 3rd POV)

Kasey spent the night tossing and turning laying next to Allie in bed. The guilt was eating her alive, she never kept things away from her best friend. But, this was something bigger than herself. It involved someone else and who was she to tell?

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