Lessons in love

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About 1/2 way through the show Dermot calls for the house lights to come on. 

"Yeah, um guys can you turn the lights up just a bit," Dermot asks the sound guys. Of course, they oblige and the lights are on in no time. "I've never done anything like this before, but when you feel something you should act on it. Allie, sweetheart...are you out there?" He looks around nervously but after a few seconds. A spotlight illuminates Allison. Standing there she looked so radiant from the glow, that only Allison Carlyle could pull off wearing a simple outfit to make it look good. Paired with simple studs and a thin crossbody she was going for comfy chic. 

she was silently thanking God for her 24-hour long-stay makeup, no one could see the rosy blush that appeared on her cheeks

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she was silently thanking God for her 24-hour long-stay makeup, no one could see the rosy blush that appeared on her cheeks.  Her chaotic inner monologue was interrupted by Tyler gently squeezing her hand bringing her back to reality. She hadn't noticed he grabbed her hand, having been lost in her thoughts. Tyler, clearing his throat brought Allison and her attention back to the stage. She looked up into Dermot's hazel eyes with adoration he was holding an outstretched hand begging her to take hold. The moment felt like pure bliss, everything was frozen perfectly as her heart practically burst out of her chest. "Was this real life?" she whispered to herself. From where she stood Allison was still about 50 feet to the stage. Suddenly, her body lurches forward as she excitedly scoots past the people in her row. They softly pat her on the back and cheer as she makes her way up to Dermot. Taking the steps 2 at a time, Allison finds herself face-to-face with her lover after running to the stage. Out of breath but graceful as ever she takes a quick look out to the audience. A roaring applause and cheer erupted in the arena. She turns her attention back to Dermot.  It was as if the whole crowd disappeared as they gazed into each other's eyes. Dermot stood holding her hand, gleaming from ear to ear. 

With a breath, Dermot turns and faces the crowd. Quickly he glances over to his right, looking at Allison one last time. 

"As most of you know by now, this ridiculously beautiful and smart woman next to me has been on this crazy journey with me. She's stayed with me throughout the tours, tabloids, late nights, and any bullshit. I can't imagine my life without her now, couldn't even think of what our lives would be if we never met. " He chuckles nervously before taking a deep breath. With a swift movement, he's down on one knee presenting a brilliant ring. It's a simple white gold band adorned with an Asscher cut diamond centered with 2 blue topaz gems on either side. 

"Allison Marie Carlyle, you have been with me every step of the way. I've wanted you since the day we first met. I can't think of anyone else I'd rather stand beside for the rest of my life. I know we've talked about a future plenty of times and what that would look like. So do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Allison Marie Kennedy." The audience is dead silent, it's as if everyone is holding their breaths waiting for Allie's response. Taking it all in he looks around before meeting her eyes, silently pleading with hopes that she won't say no. 

Minutes feel like hours, Allie nervously looks from Dermot to the crowd and back again. Scanning and scanning she finally stops her eyes looking at Tyler. Her heart races, and he gives her a simple sign. Hand to chest and a deep breath. Allie closes her eyes and copies her brother's advice. Dermot gingerly brushes his thumb against her hand. Her grasp has tightened ever slowly as she blinks away tears in a desperate attempt to keep them from falling. Opening her eyes she looks at Dermot through her watery eyes. Despite her very attempt she cannot find her voice, panicked and embarrassed she drops his hand and dashes off the stage. 

Running away as fast as she can towards the back. Thousands of flashes emerge as the crowd starts  talking about what has happened. Tyler takes off instantly following his sister, while Dermot attempts to regain control of the crowd. Once Tyler makes it past security, he gives Dermot a nod to let him know to finish the show.

Through the curtains Tyler begins his frantic search and is joined by Krista. "We will find her." She says comforting her nephew.  After a few minutes, they finally find Allie in Dermot's dressing room.

"Oh Al, " Tyler says as they walk through the door. He crosses the room and pulls his sister into a tight hug. " What happened out there? I was sure you'd say yes. I know you love him. " Tyler adds as he embraces her a moment longer.
Sniffling Allie pulls back, wiping her eyes. "Ye..Yes, I love him. But.." she starts.

"But what Allie darling?" Krista inquired as she placed her hand on Allie's shoulder.

" At the end of the day...I'm just me. Just plain Allie. Dermot could have anyone in the world. What if he regrets it? " Sitting into the chair behind her, Allie covers her face with her hands. Krista and Tyler look at each other before joining her on either side.

" Do you truly believe that?" Tyler urged gently pulling her hands from her face so she looks at him. "Do you honestly think that man out there wouldn't burn the world down for you? He has been planning this night for months." He added.

Eyes widening with realization. "I've made a horrible mistake. The worst part is..."Allie is suddenly interrupted by her phones notification ding. Ding ...ding...ding...ding sound after sound. Until she picked it up, how had TMZ already caught hold of tonight?!? Who was she kidding of course TMZ was already running it. The blurry picture of her distraught face and body in mid-flight was enough to make her stomach churn. That and the title of the article....

'Dermot Kennedy Rejected in Front of Millions!'

Horrified Allie sat there frozen pleading for the couch to swallow her up. Minutes passing by felt like an eternity. Before the main door opens.

"Allie?!" Dermot asked walking into the room.

" That's our cue." Krista sings as she pulls Tyler off the couch heading briskly to the door. She gently pats Dermot on the back in passing. 

Closing the door he turns and looks in her direction. Allie looked down at her hands biting her bottom lip. "I..." she starts.

With a sigh, Dermot now standing in front of her, grabs her hand and sits next to her. "Allie...what happened? " He interrupts.

" I freaked...I froze. I fucked up! I don't know. " Allie rambled stumbling over all her words.

"So, is this it? Are we finished? " Dermot asks voice breaking.

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