Who says you can't go home

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✨AN: Let the games begin...........✨

~ time jump ~

A couple days before the annual Carlyle family dinner, family started to arrive in town. This year we are expecting Grandma Anne Hazel, Uncle Andrew (who we called Andy), Aunt Peggy and a few more cousins and random family members. Aunt Krista wont be joining us this year, she has decided to go back home with Patrick to Scotland. Can't wait to find out more later about that trip. Allie and Kasey had just returned to their new apartment from picking up Richard's meds and a few stops getting the last few items for the apartment. The last three days were spent rearranging and moving things here and there. Both apartments were almost complete, the final items were from the Carlyle residence. Let's see how that turns out later...

"Ok...so tell me more about Richard. I need to know what I'm walking into." Carlos asked nervously pacing around the room. 

"Love, calm down. It's not that bad." Tyler said rubbing Carlos' back in small circles, trying to calm him. 


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Honestly, Carlos...Richard isn't that bad. He can be a bit reticent at first. But I've never seen him near as bad as Emma was the other day." Kasey chimed in from across the room.

"Just trust me, it won't be that bad. Well, I hope it won't be," she adds. * Knock Knock* Getting up and crossing the room, Kasey opens the door. " Hey Al and Dermot we're almost ready," she says glancing back to Tyler and Carlos. 

"OK, Jamie should be in soon. He had to take a business call." Allie said hugging Kasey

Later on at the Carlyle residence, the crew was pulling into the drive. They decided to take Tyler's Expedition, so everyone can fit in. "I'll go first, that they don't suspect 3 random guys are here as well," Allie said as she stepped in front of the group and knocked on the door. 

Emma opened the door and then called, "Richard, they're here!! Come in you guys it is freezing out there." However, Emma's face quickly dropped in disgust at what she saw. "Allison Marie Carlyle! Who is this?!" Emma said while pointing at Dermot as if he was the scum between her toes. "And who the hell are they?" she added standing on her tiptoes and glaring behind the two. Tyler instinctively stepped in front of Carlos, Allie was seething. "You are so un----" 

"I'm Carlos Ramirez, and this is Jamie, Dermot's friend," Carlos said, trying to diffuse the tension. He stepped in front of Allie and Dermot, extending his hand to Emma. 

She pushed it away and huffed just as Richard came to the door. "Allison!" he said, hugging her. "Tyler, my boy, it's so good to see you all. Who is this?" he added by nodding to the rest of the group. 

Everyone awkwardly looked around and then Dermot said, "Nice to meet you, sir." Stepping up, and smiling awkwardly while extending his hand. 

"Oh, are you a friend of Ty's?" Richard asked, as they walked in and took off their coats, placing them on the coat rack beside the door. "Oh yeah, I'm his friend as well," Dermot answered with a small nod. "I'm actually Allie's boyfriend," he added, kissing Allie on the cheek, and putting his arm around her. 

 "OK then who are you two?" he asked, motioning his finger and pointing between the two guys. Pointing at himself, Jaime introduced himself and Carlos introduced himself as a friend of the bunch.

Noticing Emma was absent Richard went in search of her. The group decided to just ignore it and head into the family room where they heard voices. Entering the room, Allie and Tyler were greeted by their aunt Peggy. "Al, Ty, my gosh look at how big you both have gotten!" she squealed as she embraced them into a hug. "And who are these three handsome men," Peggy added while pushing Allie and Tyler to the side. Smiling and lacing her arm with his, Allie introduced Dermot as her boyfriend. Kasey introduced Jaime as hers, and Tyler introduced Carlos as a good friend. Peggy, being her intuitive self, noticed Carlos's reaction to Tyler's words, but decided not to speak about it. "Well, sit...sit, I can't wait to give you these, '' Peggy said, revealing three large holiday bags. "Don't think for a second I forgot about you, Kasey my dear. " Handing the three of their bags, she puts her hands up and says "stop". Tyler and Allie back and forth look at each other. "It's rude to open gifts in front of those who don't have any," she said in a sweet tone. 

"Honestly, Ms. Peggy, Ma'am. It's not a problem." Jaime spoke up. "Call me Peggy dear and you're right Jamie, however always expect the unexpected!" she replied, touching his knee. Turning around and reaching to the side, Peggy revealed three more identical holiday bags. "Ta-dah!!!" She proceeded to hand out each additional bag and let them open their gifts. They all had Harry Potter sweaters just like Mrs. Weasley made for Ron and Harry. Each one with each person's initials on them. "This is so sweet but how did you get ones made for Dermot, Jamie, and Carlos?" Kasey asked, confused. " I have my ways..." Peggy simply answered, tapping the side of her nose. 

Peggy started gifting the trio Harry Potter-themed gifts four years ago

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Peggy started gifting the trio Harry Potter-themed gifts four years ago. Last year, they got Hogwarts house banners for each of their houses. Allie is a Gryffindor, Kasey is a Hufflepuff, and Tyler is a Slytherin. Ever since they were kids Allie and Tyler loved how caring and thoughtful their Aunt has always been. Just then Grandma Anne Hazel came in, "I thought I heard my favorite grandkids." she said smiling. 

After a few hours of catching up, sharing stories, and pictures from their European trip. Everyone had a great dinner and coffee afterward. Allie and Tyler's cousins and aunt joined them in the backyard. Everyone gathered around Dermot who borrowed Tyler's old guitar as Jaime lit the fire for the pit. Dermot led the group in singing "I'll be home for Christmas" and a few others. (✨ Yes, I know had to throw in a cheesy Hallmark moment, you know you love it. 🙃 ✨).

After a lovely evening, It was time for bed. Thankful for such a big house, sleeping arrangements weren't that big of a problem for them. 

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