Boston pt.2

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Boston, here we go...

So Dermot was back in his favorite city, but this time, everything felt different. He'd been here hundreds of times, but there was a lot riding on this one night. He was in his hotel room doing another final check.

(Knock, knock)

Crossing the enormous hotel suite, he opens the door after looking through the peephole.
"Hey, man," Carlos says, giving Dermot one of their handshakes.  "You good?" He asked cautiously, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, no. I'm fine. I'm just a bit wrecked about tonight. Is Tyler still bringing her?" Dermot responded nervously.

"Last I heard, yea!" Carlos replied with a huge smile.

"Hope she's not mad at me, hate that I had to leave her with a note. Felt like shit." Dermot adds as the two walk over to the couch.

"Me and Ty talked to her. She was thrown off, but honestly, she is fine now. She knows she will see you tonight. " Carlos reassured him.

After going over a few more details and calming his mind, Dermot was excited for tonight's show.

(Small time hop ~ 2 hours later)

In an attempt to get out some last-minute jitters, he decided to go for a quick walk. His main security guy, James, warned him that many fans would be in the area. "I will follow at a distance just in case as usual."

"Sounds good," Dermot responded. He pulled on his hoodie, wore a beanie, and slipped on a pair of glasses. It wasn't much, but it was enough for Dermot to blend in. He was headed to a good bookstore he saw last time. It's called ' Fell and Co.' over on Tennant Ave. They were known for having excellent books and decent cups of coffee. 

Walking in, he was met with the sudden aroma of a dark roasted blend brewing. Aimlessly, he wanders over to the sci-fi section. Over the span of 5 minutes or so, he has already grabbed 3 books that were on his TBR. Looking at his phone, he noticed he had only 20 minutes left before he had to return. "Shit!" he whispers to himself. With a huff, he rolled his eyes at his short taste of freedom. He decided to take a quick look upstairs. Once there, he began browsing the shelves. Reaching for a book on the shelf, his hand brushed another. 

"It's yours."   "Sorry..." he and the mysterious woman laughed at their moment speaking perfectly in sync. 

"No, you can take it," Dermot said with a sweet smile.

"Well, aren't you sweet?" The mysterious woman said accepting the book. "What's your name, handsome?"

"Joseph," Dermot replied. With another quick smile, he turns to leave. 

Reaching a handout, the mysterious woman reached for his left shoulder tapping him. As he turns around, "Is that an accent I detect?" She asks boldly, closing the space in between them. 

"Nope, not really." the Irish man says quickly as he tries to disguise himself with his best American accent. 

Laughing, she rolls her eyes playfully, "So then, why are you in a hurry? Let's get a cup of coffee, maybe talk a bit." 

Despite her flirtation, Dermot rejected her politely. After this, she places her hand on his cheek and tells him,  "Another time it is."

 Leaving the area and paying for his things. Dermot reunites with James, and the two hurry back to the arena. Thankfully, there was a side entrance towards the back, which James snuck Dermot into. He had a mere 45 mins until he was to be in place for the meet and greet. 

The meet and greet went as usual, lots of smiling, a few gifts, and someone's perfume that made his eyes water. Nevertheless, it was a standard night. His show opener was prepping to go on. Now off to the dressing room to meet a few familiar faces.

"Dermot!" He was greeted by Krista and Carlos. Krista crosses the room with her arms outstretched for a hug. Smiling in return he embraces Krista.

Turning to Carlos he asks, " Is my girl here yet? "

"She's about 10 minutes out, You're mom wanted to meet with her before," Carlos responded walking over to the couch on the other side of the room. Krista joins him, but not before grabbing cold water from a mini fridge that was filled for the show.

"Shh...shhh," Krista says in an attempt to quiet the boy's discussion. Pointing at her phone, she hits the speakerphone button.

Krista: Oh, hello darling!

Allie: Krista! Why is it that TYLER had to be the one to tell me you're in town??

Krista: it was for an important event, hon.

Allie: I'm in Boston! If I'd known you were coming...

Krista: Nonsense, dear. Everything will be fine. Promise.

(quietness fills the line)

Allie: ok, well... I love you, but I need to go. I'm at the Boston venue. It's Dermot's last show. (Her phone started to get static at this point.)

Krista: ok, love you, big sweetheart

Allie: Love you (she replies, voice going in and out)

(Call ended)

"I hate hearing her sad voice. " Krista said

"I know, but imagine her face when she sees you both tonight!" Carlos said, comforting her. "Im going to go meet them. You got everything ready?" He added, turning towards Dermot.

"Yep!" with a nervous breath he adds, " This is a few hours my life is changing." 

"For the better!" adds Krista raising her bottle. "Oh relax, you know she is going to say yes. My niece is beyond over the moon in love with you. Based on the way you look at her, you feel the same. Trust love, everything will fall into place tonight!" 

~ (Showtime) ~

Right before it was time for Dermot to hit the stage, he opened his dressing room to see the one person he never thought he would see again...

Right before it was time for Dermot to hit the stage, he opened his dressing room to see the one person he never thought he would see again

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      🎶 But there's beauty here that's yet to depart/ 

There's still a song inside the halls in the dark/ 

I'll come for you if you just stay where you are.  🎶

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