An old friend...

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✨AN: Running into old friends changes everything or does it?? Unexpected things may happen and you might just find out that some things were there that weren't there before. ✨

It was day 3 in Dublin and like London, it was another rainy day. Kasey came over to Allie's room and the girls decided to stream A Royal Christmas. It was Allie's favorite Hallmark movie. If it was up to her she would have Christmas 365 days a year. Dermot was coming over to spend some time with them as well. According to him, Jaime wanted to tag along ya know just in case things got interesting. Krista took this day off as an opportunity to visit her good friend Patrick. 6 to 7 years ago the two dated, but soon split when he decided to take a job in Tokyo. (Knock, Knock) "Must be the guys," Allie said pausing the movie and getting up to answer the door. Greeting Dermot with a kiss and Jamie with a hug she let the guys in. 

"Looks like Christmas came early, that hot cocoa? In the fall." Jaime questioned. 

"Don't tell me you don't like hot cocoa?" Kasey playfully said while nudging Jaime with her shoulder. 

"I'll take a cup, and love the Christmas jammies as you would say," Dermot added cutely, with a wink. 

"You can't watch a cozy Hallmark Christmas film if you're not in your fav jammies," Allie said booping him on the nose. He shook his head smiling as he followed her over to the couch where they were watching TV on. He put his arm around her and settled in. "I can't wait to spend Christmas with you this year," he said quietly whispering in her ear. 

Hours passed. Allie's phone started to light up, it was her mom calling. "Hey, mom!" Allie said answering the phone. "Sure, facetime me and I will pick you up." A few seconds later :

Allie: Hey mom, wheres is dad?

Emma: Somewhere around here. I wanted to call and check in on you girls. Who. is. that?

Allie: (pressing the phone to her, "I hadn't planned on introducing you to my parents yet" she mouthed to Dermot. Pulling the phone back out to show her face. ) Oh this is Dermot.

Emma: Dermot? Why does that name sound so familiar????

Emma: Isn't that the same name as the guy you both saw in concert?

Allie: Yep. That's the exact one.

Dermot: Good evening Mrs. Carlyle, a pleasure to meet you.

Emma: It's nice to meet you too son, Allie mind pulling me off of speaker phone?

Allie: Mom, that's not how it works. But give me one second, and I'll step into the other room.

(Walking over into the next room, while mouthing 'sorry' to everyone. Allie continues her call there.)

Emma: When were you going to tell me you were dating some Scottish singer who probably has multiple girlfriends? 

Allie: Mom, he's not just some Irish singer, and why would you assume that??? we have not even discussed what we are.

Emma: Damn it, Allie! I can't believe you went clean across the world to meet some boy. Are you that desperate????

Allie: Seriously mom! I'm 22 and why must you act like this? Wonder why I don't bring guys home, this is why. You are always so critical of everything I do.

Emma: ENOUGH! I am STILL your mother and you will not talk to me like that. 22 or not you will end this now!

(Call ended)

Allie was beyond upset. How could her mom be so harsh and act the way she did? As Allie turned around she saw her best friend propped up against the door frame. Kasey pulled Allie into a hug, "I've never seen your mom overreact like that before. That was ridiculous!" Kasey said. Allie felt hopeless as a few tears escaped her eyes. 

"I'm not ending things with Dermot, I won't" Allie sobbed. After a few minutes, the girls rejoined the guys. Dermot looking concerned pulled Allie onto the balcony. They talked about what happened and he reassured her that he wasn't going anywhere. Tyler called Allie and told her all about their mom calling him. He stuck up for his sister as he always had. By the time Tyler and Emma were talking Richard returned home. Together with his dad, Tyler was able to get things sorted. 

Later that night Dermot convinced Allie to come out with him, Kasey, and Jaime. They all decided to go somewhere to get drinks and maybe dance a bit. The atmosphere was amazing everyone was in such a good mood. The DJ that night was playing some great mixes. Few drinks down and a few good laughs. A remix of a song from Camila Cabello played and the girls decided it was time to dance. Fast forward a few hours and plenty of great dance songs later. Dermot pulled Allie out for a bit of fresh air. He hadn't smiled so much in his life before. Genuinely his cheeks were sore from all the smiling. Taking her in his arms he told her about how much he was enjoying this night. "ya know we've never really said what we are." He said talking into her ear to be heard over the music. 

"No, we haven't," Allie responded swaying in his arms, resting her head on his chest. 

"Why don't we make it official?" Dermot proposed. Turning around to face him, Allie wrapped her arms around his neck. 

"Yes," she said before kissing him. The two were so into the moment they didn't even notice the cameras flashing. 

The next morning the news was out. Travis a good friend of Dermot's messaged him with a link to an article. Opening the link he saw a picture of him and his new girlfriend. "Guess, it really is official." He said looking over at Allie. The guys and Kasey ended up sleeping over in Allie's room the night before. 

A bit later Allie began to stir, " Hey're up early." she said kissing him on the cheek. 

"Yea, apparently we really are official now. Regret saying yes?" he asked. 

"Nope. I figured it wasn't going to be a walk in the park. I don't care." Allie responded tapping him on the nose. 

"I love you two but unless you have coffee, sshhhh!" Kasey said half asleep. Dermot woke up Jaime and the boys decided to order some room service and had some coffee sent up. 

A few hours later Allie went to knock on Krista's door. To her surprise, a tall blonde guy with a thick Scottish accent opened the door. "Um, is Krista back?" Allie asked without trying to make eye contact. 

Just then Krista opened the door wider. "Allie, I see you have met Patrick. Patrick this is my niece Allison, but we call her Allie. " "Hi" "Hi" Krista stepped out into the hall. "Anything the matter, love?" she asked crossing her arms in front of her. 

"No, just wanted to check in with ya didn't know if you were back from the day before. " Allie said.

 "Oh yes, got in last night! I will fill you in later, oh saw that you and Dermot are getting serious.  We will talk soon!" said Krista with a wink. Looks like the crew was on their own today. No problem, this was the perfect day to take in all the sights. 

✨AN: Whew..things got a little crazy there. Wonder what sites Dermot has planned, and how about Tyler? Haven't heard from him in a while. Join me next time to see where we go...

Poll: Allie's mom totally overreacted  🙄         

Allie's mom needs to have several seats 🤬

Allie's mom was just looking out for her 🤗

Allie needs to grow up 🤦

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