Where from here...

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As promised Dermot kept his word, he and Allie spent the next four days stuck at each other's hip. It wasn't like Dermot to be so enthralled and wrapped up with who he was dating. One thing he tried to do was focus on his career as much as his relationship. Things were finally in a good place. He had plans but was it all too much? Was it all worth it?

The day before he left, Dermot left notes for Allie all over the house. It would be a few more months of constant touring before he had another break before the Boston show. 

This was the final leg of his tour this year

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This was the final leg of his tour this year. Despite all of this on his mind, he still had some things to sort out. Tonight, for instance, a few friends flew in for his concert in 2 days and they wanted to have a few drinks. These guys flew all the way from Dublin just to hang out, who could refuse that? This was when the relationship would get a little tricky, even in a room full of people. You always long for the one that makes you feel alive. 

Meanwhile, Allie was trying to figure out life on her end. It hasn't been long but with the family issues in the past. Everyone just wanted to move forward, usually, Tyler was around but he was dealing with some things of his own. The plan for today was simple, it was time for a selfish. She would take the day and treat herself. The first stop was the park, she had recently gotten into running. Surprisingly enough it was fun, she used the time to clear her mind and focus. This morning was nice so far, temps were in the mid-'60s and the sun was peaking out just enough to provide some warmth. Parking in her favorite spot, just a few away from the entrance. She put the car in park, grabbed her Airpods, put on her favorite Spotify playlist, and set out to start her run. 

An hour thirty later she was back at her car, good thing too. She was exhausted at this point. As soon as she started the car back up, the radio was playing: Energy "Lucky Me" by Morgan St. Jean. Rolling down the window she started to sing along while enjoying the breeze. 


"Ugh! You have got to be kidding, this better be good!" Allie said turning down her radio with a pfft.

Allie: Hey hey

Emma: Allie, how are you?

Allie: Good, Mom. What's up?

Emma: Not much, can you come by this evening?

Allie: What's the occasion?

Emma: No need to be snooty, Allison. I just want to catch up with my daughter. We can even meet at that Coffee shop over by Mickey's. 

Allie: Fine, hows about 3 pm?

Emma: Works for me. See you then, love you, Allison!

Allie: Love you too Mom! 


Before she could reach the knob on the radio to turn it up, she got a text from Dermot. Pulling over into McDonald's coffee shop, Allie reached for her phone off the stand. 

Dermot ❤: Morning babe 😀

Allie 😍: Morning, handsome. What's going on?

Dermot ❤: Missed you, wanted to see what you were up to. Got a while 'for the show tonight...few guys came in from Dublin this morning. 

Allie 😍: That's exciting! Are you going to hang out after the show?

Dermot ❤: That's the plan...not sure yet but Im looking forward to it. Where are you at?

Allie 😍: McDonald's pulled over to text. May grab a coffee and a quick breakfast sandwich. 

Dermot ❤: Sounds good. I miss you like crazy, it's getting harder each time to leave you.

Allie 😍: I know what you mean, we knew this was going to be hard but It's like the longer we are together the more difficult it becomes. Won't be like this forever

Dermot ❤: I wish I could say no... I love touring around and singing. You know how important it is to me.

Allie 😍: That's why I would never ask you to give it up. Not over me. We really should talk about this face-to-face. 

Dermot ❤: Agreed. But are we good? 

Allie 😍: Always and forever. Later, lover

Dermot ❤: Love you 

After pulling back off and onto the road. Allie headed home to get ready to meet up with Emma. 

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