Let's go back...back to the beginning

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AN✨: If you want to continue with Allie's story scroll down until you see the video "Just friends". If not keep reading cuz this is more of a backstory break for Tyler x Zeke. Let's go back to 2011-2012 ish... 

Tyler's POV

"So glad I'm done with classes and practice was a bitch today. Ugh! Not looking forward to heading home this weekend. Might as well finish packing." Back at the dorm and it's like six in the afternoon, "Sup' Darryl, any plans for break?" Darryl was a guy who lived on my floor, he's from Georgia. 6'4", long dreads, mixed, tatted, and an insane music collection. We have had most all of our classes together since freshman year. 

"Man headed home. Not much but looking forward to spending time with mom and my brothers. You going anywhere fun?" Darryl responded tossing Tyler a foam football. 

Walking back to his room, and catching the ball. Tyler responds, " Home with the fam...doing a bunch of nothing!" tossing the ball back he turns to open his dorm room door. As he opens the door his roommate Tom greets him.

"Hey Ty, a bunch of guys stopped by. Shawn is having a party to kick off the break. You in?" asks the tall and lanky brunette guy wearing glasses sitting across the room. He wasn't the most popular in the school but he was smart as hell. Also a great runner and was top 3 on the school's track team. 

"May check it out...you goin' Bailey?" Tyler asked laying back on his bed.

"Maybe. heard Amanda and Jessica were going to be there! Might be worth checking out, I heard she recently broke up with Drew." Bailey responded turning back to his desk

"Jessica...man I don't think I'm up for that drama. You start packing yet?" Tyler asked tossing a ball into the air and catching it.

Later on, after the bags were packed the guys headed to the caf for dinner. There they met up with their friends and chatted about all that was happening and planned over break. After dinner, they all met up at Shawn's house for the party before the break. The party was wild and everyone who was anyone was there. "Ty...Tyler! What's up!" came a deep familiar voice. Tyler turned to see a guy with wavy brown hair, a beard, pale skin, and an average build. 

"Tom. It's been a minute. What's up?" Tyler asked smiling walking over to his friend. Wild party right? How's the hockey team treatin ya? Miss football yet?" he added nudging Tom with his elbow. 

"It's been good...plus you can fight all you want. Met some guys from our season, they go to Westbrooke. Should be around here somewhere." Tom said looking around. Tyler takes a sip of beer while glancing around. He ends up catching the eye of a tall hottie from across the room. The mystery guy gives him a small wink and raises his cup in Tyler's direction. 

"I'll be right back," Tyler says patting Tom on the shoulder as he walks in the direction of the mystery guy.

"Hi," Tyler says attempting to play it cool

"Hey," replied the handsome stranger with a cheeky grin.


"Zeke." extending his hand. 

"You from Westbrooke? Haven't seen you around before?" Tyler inquires cocking an eyebrow

"Yea, play hockey there. Tom invited us. " Zeke responded taking a long drink of his beer.

The guys had been talking for a while and were not aware of just how close their bodies were standing to each other. Tom finally makes his way around and gives the two an awkward glance. " I see you've met Zeke." Tom finally spoke to Tyler. 

"Yea..hmm" Tyler shifted on his other foot and put some room between himself and Zeke. 

"Carry on, then" Tom responded raising his cup to the guys before walking off. He had his sights set on Sarah the head cheerleader who was way too bubbly for most. 

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