Back in history....

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✨AN: Back to our adventures and we need to throw in a little history. Richard would surely be lecturing us if we didn't. Much love  ✌ 🫶✨

Tyler decided to join the girls on their trip to Bath. It was one city Richard had the joy of choosing for the girls to see. Tyler told everyone that he had a big surprise, and based on all that pacing he's been doing all morning. It must be very important! 4 coffees down and they all hit the road. Allie called shotgun in Krista's car, she loved playing DJ on long car rides. Tyler was busy on the phone as they pulled out of the drive. Allie glanced at her phone, it was a message from Dermot. 

Dermot: Morning ❤

Allie: Hey handsome...

Dermot: I need your thoughts on these lyrics

Allie: Of course, send em over 😀

The 3-hour trip went by fast as they were pulling up to the Roman baths. Tyler said, "pull in there, just by the blue focus." As they parked a tall guy about 6'4", with deep brown eyes and short black hair stepped out of his vehicle. He was wearing some dark shades and a huge smile. Tyler got out of the back seat and embraced the guy next to him. The mysterious guy gave him a kiss on the forehead, he was just a bit taller than Tyler. Just as the girls were getting out of the vehicle. Tyler said, " Everyone I would like to introduce you to my boyfriend, Carlos." Tyler became a bit fidgety and shifted his weight slightly away from Carlos. Clearly, he was concerned with how his family would react to his news. Just then Allie runs over and hugs Carlos. 

"Welcome to the family!" she said. 

"I'm so glad that Ty has found himself such a fine, handsome young man. Do you have an attractive uncle who is single, perhaps? Asking for a friend" Krista added with a smile. Slightly rolling her eyes at Krista's comment. 

Kasey said, "Hi, good to meet you, Carlos." With that, she quickly walked off toward a vendor. "Don't mind her, sometimes she loves to shop more than I do," Allie said patting Carlos on the shoulder as she walked over to her friend. 

"Ok, spill it!" she demanded. "I've let this slide for too long what is going on with you?"  With a huff, Kasey made her way over to a nearby bench and sat down. "Don't get mad, but I sorta...might have a crush on your brother," she said nervously. "It all started around Sophomore year at University, remember when Ty came to visit?" 

"Yea, what about it?" Allie asked folding her arms and giving Kasey her full attention. 

"Well remember that party we all went to, the one over at Ethan and Owen's house? The massive kickback?" Kasey said. 

" Yea that one was wild. But I don't get it what happened?" Allie asked still trying to get to the bottom of it. 

"Well, after a few rounds of beer pong. We were all pretty wasted. We ....uh..we kissed." Kasey finally spits out. Shocked and dismayed Allie immediately got up and left. She could not deal with what she just heard from her best friend.

Allie's POV:

Them motha' fuckers! Four years! Four flippin' years and they both keep this from me. Who does this? My best friend?!? Friends DONT KEEP SECRETS!!! Ugh, I'm not even mad they kissed, im hurt they decided to hide this from me. I'm done...I need some time. Maybe the tour will calm me down. Doubtful...

The tour took over an hour or so. It never fails in every group there is that one person who needs to ask 500 questions for no reason. Allie spent the entire tour walking towards the front by the guide. She managed to avoid any and all questions from Tyler and Kasey. Just before the guide (Jeffrey) started, " the Roman baths were constructed around 1st century in about 1894...Kasey told Tyler that Allie knew. Tyler immediately went to his sister, Carlos looked concerned. Once Tyler was over near Allie, she raised her hand and through gritted teeth uttered "Not now!".  Krista could sense that this, whatever it was, was going to be a big deal. Allowing the kids (well not kids anymore) to work through this squabble. If Allie needed her, she knew her aunt would help. Something about this just seemed personal

✨AN: In my Kevin Hart voice, "It's about to go down!" 🧐 Next chapter, will be a bit longer ✨

- How would you have handled hearing your BFF kissed your sibling?

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