The things we needed to say

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Dermot was currently inside his hotel room wide awake. It was 6 am and last night's concert finished around 2 am. Well, the concert, a small hang out, and a few beers later. His mind was swamped with his and Allie's last conversation. Had it all become too hard and was it still worth it? He reached over to the nightstand and turned on the lamp. Grabbing his phone he turns it on and scrolls down to the one person he wants to hear from. 

(Phone ringing) 

"Hello?" says the voice on the other end still groggy

"Beautiful..." Dermot replies softly

"Babe, it's - are you ok?" Allie responds clearing her throat and sitting up in bed

"Just missing you is all..facetime?" Dermot responded

"Sure," Allie says in response, hanging up the phone. A few minutes later there's an incoming Facetime request. Pushing the button to answer, Allie and Dermot are now reunited face to face.

"So handsome, tell me what's got you up at 6 am. Wait it's 6 am!?!?!? Damn. it's early." she adds the last part with a small giggle. Raising an eyebrow she waits for his response. 

Releasing a breath he didn't know he was holding, Dermot finally begin to speak. "Our last conversation keeps playing over and over in my head. You know Im crazy about you and ever since we met it's been a whirlwind. We just work..I don't know maybe I'm overthinking it. You, Riggins, Mom, Dad, you all are my heart." he rambled on.

"Dermot...What is going on? Do you think we are falling apart? Allie asked her face visibly showing just how upset she was. 

"No, no that's not what I think. Im just trying to figure things out. Where my head is...where my heart is." the last part Dermot said came out as barely a whisper.

🎵 And wishing you were here tonight is like holding on/ But I still get to see your face, right?/ And that's like nothing they can take, right? So there won't be no feeling in the firelight, hoping this'll be right/ Time to show your worth, child I remember when her heart broke over stubborn shit/ That's no way to be living kid 🎵

"After a long pause, Allie broke the silence first. Ok, so how about you take some time... Sort shit out and let me know what you figure out. I've been supportive and I've played my part. Morning, noon, and night. I did what I was supposed to and now! Now, you are having second thoughts. Now! We are the problem. " At this point, Allie was talking between tears, and suddenly she stopped, wiped her face, and simply said, "I'm done!". 

Before Dermot could even respond, his own voice caught in his throat with tears threatening to spill. Allie ended the call. This all escalated to a part no one knew was coming, how did it all go to hell from where it was? There definitely was no chance of sleep now! 

Over at Allie's, she couldn't think, about what happened just now. So she slipped out of bed, pulled her hair into a top knot, and grabbed her leggings and a tank from the top drawer. She needed to run, where I couldn't tell you. Pulling on her socks and shoes she grabs her keys and heads for the door. "I don't want to be alone, as if by habit her thumb scrolled down to Kasey's contact. She used to be the first to call in a moment like this, but that wasn't a choice now. Shaking her head she scrolls down until she sees Tyler's contact. After a few rings, he picks up. "Tyler...I need you!" Standing in her doorway tears flowing she tells Tyler about what happened not even 30 mins ago. 

In response, he simply says, "Im on my way!"

After a good run, Allie and Tyler finished with a breakfast stop. Tyler picked this place this time since Allie picked it last time. Mickey's it was. Mickey's was a small restaurant Shameless themed. Shameless was Tyler's all-time favorite show. Walking in the two said hello to their usual waitress wearing a 'Frannie' name tag. She was a 5'8" brunette, with hazel eyes, a deep love for tattoos and way too much caffeine. " Hey assholes!" she called out as she grabbed a few teal menus even though she knew they wouldn't use 'em. The two grabbed a seat in a booth just under a sign that read 'Kev's Corner'. "What're you two eating today?" the waitress says between chewing her gum.

"Cute. Sandy really! The usual coffee for this one extra creamer and a shot of espresso." Tyler said looking up briefly while scrolling on his phone. 

"I'll put 'em in and be back." the waitress replied.

"Ok, so you two broke up?" Tyler said flippin' his phone over on the table. " I thought you two were good and so what happened??"

"Well, the other day we were texting as usual and I don't know we both just realized how hard this time was hitting us. We are used to the time apart but this just feels different." Allie nervously explained fiddling with the pepper shaker.

"Seriously, of course, this one feels a bit off! You two have never done these short get together during a tour. You are used to being together for a bit in between everything. Damn, I may have my issues with Carlos but babe, you two are just feeling it. Relationships are hard! Throw in the fact that he's an international artist who tours the world and the fact that it's mostly long-distance. Shit anyone would feel the strain there. I think you too just need to talk in person, maybe after this tour or his next break." Tyler responded as best he could.

"Maybe you're right...." Allie began. She was interrupted by the Sandy returning with their order. 

"Alright babes here's your food." setting down the food, Sandy pulled a chair up to their table. "So fill me in, what's going on here? You look stressed and you look like your 5 secs from drowning us all with your tears." giving a sassy look, Sandy waited for the two to talk. 

"Shit let's get her opinion," Tyler said grabbing his fork and picking up some eggs to eat.

Reluctantly, Allie filled Sandy in on all that had happened earlier that morning. After about 5 mins of listening, Sandy threw her hands up. "Wait!" holding one finger up she grabbed her phone, no way! You are dating Dermot Kennedy. Girl, I knew that was you!" Sandy exclaimed slapping Allie on the back a little too roughly. Noticing the look Allie gave her, Sandy cleared her throat. "So, look the way I see it. Im with Ty on this. You two need to talk this last part out. Can you honestly tell me you want this to be over?" 

Without a second passed Allie confidently said, "No."

"So I think you know your answer, take your ass to the airport and go get your man!" Sandy said standing up. Mid-bite, Allie gets up and starts to gather her things. Tyler taking notes starts shoving food in his mouth.

"Im not leaving this!" He yelled with a mouth full of food. Throwing some cash on the table the two barrelled out the door. Pilling into Tyler's Altima they rushed back to Allie's apartment. "Ok, so you have 10 mins to pack and I will get you on the next flight to Colorado. He's still playing Red Rocks this week right?" Tyler asked switching lanes so he can take the next upcoming right turn. 

"Yep!" Allie responded checking her phone, no messages or missed calls. She let out a huff and stared out the window. Within 10 mins they were pulling  

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