Do you want to build a snowman...?

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 6 pm came fast, and everyone was excited. On the drive over to the town square, they had fun chats about all their ideas to build the best snowman. Kasey was the most competitive, they heard from locals that you had to have teams of three to compete. Team one would be Carlos, Tyler, and Jaime, while team two would be Allie, Kasey, and Dermot. Pulling up they saw so much going on. On one end there were some great food vendors, you could get anything from Shawarma to tacos, to Turkey legs. Of course, you also had to have Apple cider, hot cocoa, and coffee stands as well. On the opposite end, last-minute gift vendors are set in stalls decorated with lights and holiday-themed crafts. Just behind the gift vendors, you see lots of kids and families Ice skating. The ones who weren't Ice skating were having a full-out snowball war! It was pure madness over there! At last just before you got to the food, there was the area for the snowman-building competition. A large woman with an overly joyous attitude could be heard on a microphone. "ladies and gentlemen please If you are here for the competition get your tushes over here in the next 5 mins! Remember the winner takes home a wonderful gift and a gift card to Sharon's." Sharon's was the neighborhood cafe, where whenever you visit you felt like family. 

The snowman competition was a blast. The group broke off into their teams, they had 35 minutes to build their snowman. The snowman had to be no shorter than 3'5" and no taller than 6'8". The teams had everything at their disposal. From huge bins with things like scarves, hats, buttons, coal, rocks, and many more. To lights, items to be used for arms, and items to be used in general. There were also 3 ladders just in case. The timer runs out, and all teams are to step aside in a designated area as the judges walk around to critique their work. There were 3 judges and it seemed to take 10 minutes to decide on a winner. The judges couldn't decide so they had Ms. Callahan choose the winner. She grabbed her mic and announced, " The 14th annual Snowman award goes to Team Jolly (Tyler, Carlos, and Jamie).

"Ha! In your faces!" Tyler teased circling the girls dangling a candy cane in their faces. "Ok, bragging over. Don't worry you know we will share with yall," he added. Callahan handed Tyler, Carlos, and Jamie the winner's basket and gift certificate. The thing was loaded. Inside they found some cute holiday mugs, hot cocoa mix, a holiday ornament, and 2 gift cards one for Amazon and the other a Visa gift card. They also noticed some small candies sprinkled throughout and a mystery gift, wrapped in a beautiful bow. 

After the competition, the group decided to explore a bit. The girls wanted to do some last-minute shopping and Carlos decided to join them. Carlos wanted to take the opportunity to get to know Allie and Kasey. Tyler decided to join Dermot and Jamie. After all, he still owed him the older brother's speech. "Oh look at the snowmen!" Allie said with excitement pointing to a small booth that displayed various snowmen in different outfits, holding numerous things. Walking further down the path, just as Kasey started to wander towards a cute booth a phone rang. Looking down Allie saw that her phone was lighting up, the screen reads 'Incoming call: Dad'. She decides to hit ignore, if it's important he would call again. *Chime*

Richard: Allie girl

Allie:....what's up dad?

Richard: Are y'all out?

Allie: Yes dad...something you need

Richard: Swing by the pharmacy and pick up my meds, please

Allie: Dad, the pharmacy is closed. Do you have enough meds for the night??

Richard: Yes, I have enough to last through the morning. However, after lunch, I won't have any more.

Allie: No worries...I'll swing by. Love ya

Richard: Love ya kid. See you soon!

Meanwhile, the guys were at the other end of the food section. and they just ordered some beers from a vendor called Benny and Becca's Beer.  "So Dermot  what do you want from the relationship with my sister?" Tyler asked. 

"I want to be with her as long as I can, to care for her, whenever she needs me. I like your sister more than I ever had with anyone else. She makes me feel like I'm capable of love. Not just that but she makes me actually feel like she's with me. She likes the real me and not just because I'm famous." Dermot answered as he turned towards Tyler.

 "Your answer is to my satisfaction." Tyler joked "But if you hurt her, I will punch you in the face, pretty boy." Tyler threatened to lean in toward Dermot. After that, the three walked around as if nothing happened, and they found many amazing treats. Like huge hot cocoa cookies as big as Tyler's head. And a burrito that was massively loaded. Later on that evening the guys went back to their hotel room. "Hey, we're back!" Tyler called out as he Dermot, and Jamie entered the hotel room. "Hey, guys what took you guys so long?" Allie asked as she walked up to them. Dermot then answered, "There was a bunch of food." Playing off the afternoon.

It was about 10:30 pm and the group decided to just watch some movies. Kasey, Allie, and Tyler decided to sleep over that night. During a side conversation, Tyler said, "Wonder if Jessica will be gone by the time we return. I'm really not in the mood to deal with her and her theatrics either." 

"Yeah, I get it but honestly mom really crossed the line this time. Plus no one really wanted to head back and deal with Jessica. Let's hope she's on her best behavior when the guys come." Allie said nudging Tyler. He was dreading bringing them home. To be honest, Tyler felt so nervous. He just refused to let his sister see just how nervous he is. 

Dermot settling down next to Allie wrapped his arm around her. "Been a long day, hasn't it," he said kissing her. 

"Too long," Allie said leaning into him. "Thanks for letting us stay over. I'm so not ready to deal with the drama back home. "she added. 

"No worries, babe," Dermot responded. Everyone was all coupled up and snuggling together. The movie choice of the night was Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. It was a tradition that Tyler and Kasey started a few years back. Each year right before Christmas they would binge-watch the entire series from start to end. This year was extra special, they had great company join them. Dermot and Carlos got into arguing over which house was the best, Tyler and Allie sat back pretending to eat popcorn laughing at the two. Of course, Kasey had to jump in when Carlos declared he was a Ravenclaw and that it was the best of the four. Kasey being a die-hard Gryffindor had a bit to say about it. Jaime however was still trying to figure out how Harry Potter was better than the Percy Jackson movies. 

✨AN: Not too bad but hold on shit's about to get real.... ✨

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