Our adventure begins

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✨ Authors note ✨  Hope you are enjoying the story and don't worry we are just about to take off ✈

"Girls please tell me you haven't forgotten anything!" Emma pleaded with Allie and Kasey. 

 "Passports, hotel info, contact numbers, emergency stash, medications...."Richard was endlessly trailing off. 

"Yes, we have everything. As soon as we land we will call Aunt Krista." Allie assured her parents. After a long tearful goodbye, the girls were on their way to Europe. The first stop was London and Dublin. The girls had 3 months to explore and take in all the world had to offer. It was a 17-hour overnight flight and the only thing they were looking for was a little peace and quiet. 

That would have to wait...."Allie...psst. I can't possibly sleep with the guy behind me snoring so loud." Kasey nudged 

"I couldn't sleep a wink the person behind me has their feet on the armrest. It smells so bad!" Allie responded fanning her nose. She spent the next 2 hours watching 'The Night Shift', her favorite season 2. Finally, she dosed off when a flight attendant softly woke her up. We're almost about to land, is there anything I can get for you? She asked sweetly. " No thanks. I'm fine." Allie said with a smile. 

Once off the plane and through customs the girls were finally looking for Allie's aunt Krista. After a few minutes of searching, they saw a familiar face running over. "Girls, look at how you've grown! Ugh... last time I saw you both you were crushing on that one boyband. Who was it...."  

"The Backstreet Boys, aunt Krista." Kasey laughed. "Ah, yes how you two were so obsessed with them," Krista added. The girls grabbed their bags and loaded them into Krista's car. Allie switched her phone off airplane mode once inside the car. 

"Let me guess... a message from Dermot???" Kasey teased.  Looking down at her phone she saw she did in fact miss a few texts. 

Dermot: Hey hope you got landed safely. I've had a morning of interviews and sound checks for the show tonight.

Allie: Hey...we just got here! It's so beautiful....why didn't you tell me England was this gorgeous??

Dermot: Just wait until you come to Dublin  🥰  

Allie: Can't wait!

Kasey POV:

I love my bestie but any visit with aunt Krista is always my favorite. Krista has always made me feel like a part of the family. She's so beautiful and we always have an amazing time with her. We had just stopped at a cute little coffee shop. The guy working there was beyond hot! How come England gets all the cute guys? That accent was beyond dreamy!!! Note to self - get his number next time!

The first night in Kent was spent with takeaway and watching Mamma Mia. Krista loved any movie with Maryl Streep in it. The girls spent the night gossiping and taking turns singing along to their favorite songs.

🎵Don't go wasting your emotion/ Lay all your love on me/ Don't go sharing your devotion/ Lay all your love on me   🎵

After dancing and a popcorn fight followed by lots of laughs. Allie and Kasey fall back on the couch laughing hysterically. Krista's favorite scene was coming up. Just then Allie's phone began to ring. "Mom, Dad, what's up?" Allie asked looking into the screen and pausing the movie to hear better. 

"Nothing sweetie. This big ol' house has been so quiet without you, Kasey, and Tyler being home." Emma said.

 Krista squished in between the girls on the couch. "Oi, they haven't been gone 48 hours yet. Calm down, it's my time with em. " She laughed. "Where's Ritchie?" Krista inquired.

 "Here...here.I am. How are things Kris? You still with that bloke Harry?" He asked. 

"Piss off...Hazza and I didn't work out. " She cheekily shot back. "I'm loving and living in my prime. The guys here are decent, but Mr. Right just doesn't exist. Maybe if we go to Roma I can find him. " Krista finished " Well, I'm off for another glass of wine. It's Meryl night...ciao for now. Kisses. 

"We are fine mom, I'll send you some pics tomorrow. We are headed to Buckingham Palace." Allie said turning the phone back to her. 

"If you run into Prince William, get a pic for me. He is so handsome!" Emma said.

 "Emma, he's married to Kate Middleton, and she's ridiculously beautiful. Plus hello you are married yourself." Kasey said giggling at her best friend's mom. The girls said goodnight to Allie's parents and finished their Mamma Mia night. 

Laying in bed...Allie's phone begins to buzz. 

"Hey is it too late to chat a bit?" a familiar voice on the line said. Allie couldn't mistake that Irish accent anywhere if she tried. 

"How was your day?" She chuckled. 

"Not bad..." Dermot responded. Dermot and Allie talked for about an hour before she eventually went to bed. They have been talking for weeks here and there before she left the states. 

The next morning once everyone was up. Kasey asked to stop by that small coffee shop on the first day. She put on this new outfit she had brought before they left the states. The girls stepped into the cafe while Krista popped into a nearby store. Allie ordered her a caramel mocha latte and got a freshly baked blueberry muffin. Kasey decided this would be the day she would introduce herself to the cutie behind the counter. 

"Hey what can I get for you?" The tall dark haired guy behind the counter asked with a smile.

 "hmm... let's do a mocha with 2 shots of espresso" Kasey answered flirting with the guy. 

"Sure thing. I'm Jared by the way. My friends call me Jaza." He responded while preparing the drink.

 "Kasey. Kasey Edwards" Kasey said extending her hand to grab her drink. As she walked towards where Allie was sitting, her cheeks were red. 

"So what's his name?" Allie asked excitedly. 

"Jaza. Well Jared, how cute is that tho?" Kasey answered. 

"What's that?" Allie asked pointing to Kasey's cup with a raised eyebrow. Kasey looks at the coffee sleeve. She sees that Jaza left his number on the cup. Glancing over Jaza gave her a small wink and waved. 

Allie's phone lit up. 

Dermot: Morning beautiful  😘

Allie: Morning 

Dermot: What are youse up to?

Allie: Coffee first then sightseeing. I'm so excited to see all that London has to offer. 

Dermot: Well enjoy and call me later. - X Dermot

Allie: Will do  

The girls left the cafe to meet back up with Krista. They had a busy day planned. Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, and finishing up the day with a Harry Potter London Tour. A long day of walking and much more coffee for sure. It was about 7 pm and they were finally headed to dinner. 

✨AN: If you are a Potterhead...What is your Hogwarts house? 🪄 🧹  

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