26. Birthday Boy

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Spoiling Harry, without making Jamie jealous, turned out to be quite tricky for Raya.
And she found that she could only buy Harry things, if she also bought something for Jamie.
This proved to be difficult on Harry's birthday, because Raya wanted to buy him a lot, to make up for the birthdays she'd missed. But Jamie's birthday wasn't until November, so he would have to wait longer to receive his birthday gifts.
On the 31st of July, Raya left her kids with Remus, before heading to Privet Drive, to see Harry.
The Dursley's hadn't been pleased to see Raya, but they appreciated that she had arrived in Muggle clothing.

"Raya!" Exclaimed Harry as he sprinted down the stairs, and threw himself into his godmothers arms.
"Hiya. Did you miss me?" Asked Raya.
"Of course. How is Sirius?" Questioned Harry.
"He's fine, and he wishes you a happy birthday"
"I've been so worried about him, even though he's written to me twice"
"Well, he was fine when I left him. And I honestly don't think the Ministry will be able to catch him, as he moves around Europe"
"That is a relief".

"So, do you want to get out of here?" Quizzed Raya.
"What do you mean?" Asked Harry.
"I thought I'd take you out to lunch, for your birthday" explained Raya.
"Just the two of us?"
"Yeah, if that's O.K?"
"I'd love too. It's just that no one has ever taken me out on my birthday before, so I wasn't expecting it. And on Dudley's birthday, I usually get left with a neighbour, so that my aunt and uncle don't have to do anything nice for me"
"Don't give me any more reasons to go in and beat them up. Look, you'd better take this present inside with you, before we go, so that we don't have to carry it around with us".
Raya handed Harry a large package, which he dropped off inside his room, before returning with his wand in his pocket.

"Right, let's go. We'll have to walk to our destination, since neither of us can do magic" said Raya.
"Is it hard? Being a part of the wizarding world, but not being able to do magic?" Questioned Harry.
"When I was younger, I was angry and frustrated that I wasn't a witch, but over time I accepted who I am. However, there are always times when I think about how much easier my life would be if I did have magic. If I could just apparate, I feel like it would solve most of my problems" admitted Raya.
"It can't have been easy, watching everyone around you perform magic, while you couldn't".

"It wasn't an easy childhood, I admit. But I had my friends, and that's what mattered the most to me. Besides, Remus has magic, and he has been by my side ever since I was born. He can do things around the house with magic for me, which makes my life a lot easier... So, have you had a good birthday so far?" Asked Raya.
"I mean, the Dursley's completely ignored it, as normal. But my friends all sent me cakes" answered Harry.
Raya clenched her fists angrily, "Those Dursley's really are the worst. I would love to give them a piece of my mind, and take you home with me. But I don't think Dumbledore would approve".

"The Dursley's have always treated me this way, so I'm used to it. Things are better now though, since you and Sirius came back into my life. Because the Dursley's are terrified that you two are going to show up and turn them into bats if I asked you to. I've even been allowed to have all my school things in my room, which they wouldn't let me do before, and I can use Hedwig to send as many letters as I want" admitted Harry.
"I wish you didn't have to get used to their vile treatment of you. But at least they are starting to be a bit kinder to you, even if it's only because they are scared of me and Sirius" replied Raya.

"Sirius, Hermione, Ron, and Hagrid all sent me cakes for my birthday" informed Harry.
"That should help you get through this crazy diet that the Dursley's are putting you through, in a lacklustre attempt to cure their sons morbid obesity" grinned Raya.
"I don't know if I would've survived this long, if you guys hadn't been sending me food" replied Harry.
"A growing boy like you can't live off carrot sticks alone. Where do you hide all the food anyway?"
"Under my floorboards. And the Dursley's never come in my room, so they won't ever find any of the things I've been concealing from them".

"Well, I plan on fattening you up when we get to the restaurant. You can eat as much as you want" announced Raya.
"Are you sure?" Asked Harry.
"Absolutely, you're far too thin. Besides, if I can't spoil my godson on his birthday, then I'm a terrible guardian" admitted Raya.
"Are you going to take me to your house later?"
"Not today, no. I didn't want to cram too much into one day"
"O.K. It's just that Ron's dad has got us tickets to the Quidditch world cup final, so I won't be at the Dursley's much longer. And I'll be staying with the Weasleys for the remainder of the holidays, once the match is over".

"Me and Jamie are also going to watch the match, because Sirius got us last minute tickets as a treat" informed Raya.
"That's great, I'll see you there then" smiled Harry.
"I won't be able to spend time with you there, or once you're at the Weasleys, because Molly won't want to see me" mumbled Raya.
Harry frowned, "Why not?".
"The whole wizarding world thinks me and Sirius are traitors, remember" replied Raya.
"But you weren't arrested for being a death eater"
"No, but everyone thinks I got off on a technicality, or because there wasn't enough evidence to convict me. Most people still think I am guilty, even though I didn't end up in Azkaban. And they are convinced I knew Sirius was the traitor all along. Which is why everyone hates me".

"But that's not fair. You didn't do anything wrong" said Harry.
"That hasn't stopped the world from believing I'm guilty. And those who lost loved ones during the war, hate me, and believe I'm responsible for their suffering" sighed Raya.
"But you lost people too" replied Harry.
"I did. I lost all my friends, but people seem to forget that. They think I'm guilty and heartless. But don't feel sorry for me, because I've become used to it. However, because of this, Molly will not want to be anywhere near me"
"Why not? Who did Mrs Weasley lose?"
"Molly lost both of her brothers in the war; Gideon and Fabian".

"I didn't know" Harry said quietly.
"They were good men, and they died like heroes, fighting until their last breath" revealed Raya.
"I wish I could tell Mrs Weasley that you and Sirius are innocent" admitted Harry.
"You can't. And even if you did, she wouldn't believe you... Anyway, let's stop talking about such sad things, your birthday is supposed to be a happy day afterall. And if you don't return home with a smile on your face, then I've gone wrong somewhere".

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