The House

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Will's pov

"Argyle! You gotta get us to St. Mary's." Johnathan yelled as we tried to stop the bleeding.

"I don't think praying's gonna help that dude." Argyle said turning back screaming while looking at the bleeding man in front of him.

"No, you idiot! St. Mary's Hospital." Jonathan yelled as he rolled his eyes making me look at argyle like he was the most idiotic person on the planet.

"No, no." Harmon whispered as he catched his breath.

"What?" Jonathan asked worriedly.

"No hospital." He demanded as we looked at him like he was crazy.

"We're gonna get you to the hospital." Jonathan said as Harmon shook his head weakly.

"You need to warn....O... Owens." Harmon stuttered out gurgling.

"Owens, okay." Jonathan said as he nodded.

"The girl. She... She's in danger." He mentioned 11.Me and Mike looked at each other with fear evident in our eyes.

"Okay, how... how do we find Owens?" Mike asked.

"Nina." Harmon whispered. And then he blacked out on us he was dead and we didn't know where to find this Nina person or thing, 11 is in deep danger.

He handed us a pen before taking his last breath.

Eleven's pov

"Apologies for the bumpy ride, kiddo. I would've paved the road, but... Kinda ruins the whole "top secret location" thing. Did you get some rest?" Dr Owens said to me as I woke up from my nap.

"A little." I whispered rubbing my eyes.

"Good. I have a feeling you're gonna need it." he said as I looked at him moments later we walked into this small door in the middle of the desert it was an underground facility.

"Oop. Okay. Here we go." he said as he opened the elevator and then we got in.

"You didn't really think we were working out of a shed, did you?"Dr Owens joked.

"You built all this?" I asked him surprised as we walked out of the elevator.

"Well, more gave it a face-lift. Do you know what an ICBM is? It stands for intercontinental ballistic missile. It's a... a fancy bomb. We used to store them in these silos, but we haven't used this one in years. In fact, there... there's no bomb here at all. It's just a big ol' empty space. So we repurposed it to hold something much more powerful than a missile: you." He said as I looked up.

"We call her Nina." I thought I finally got a chance to get my powers back and I would do anything to get them back and this was it.

"What is it?" I asked looking at the big structure in front of me.

"If we told you, it would ruin the surprise. Hello, Eleven." I heard a familiar voice I looked up as I saw Papa.

"I know. You're frightened of me. Perhaps, in our time apart, you may have even grown to hate me. But all I've ever wanted to do is to help you. And right now, I think you very much need my help." He walked down the stairs.

Your gifts have been stolen. I believe I know why. And I believe I know how to get them back. Let us work together again. You and I. Daughter and Papa." My breathing got heavier as I looked at him with disgust in my eyes I took the chance I had and I started running.

"Papa!" I yelled out in fear.

"Yeah, I got her." I gasped as an agent tried using one of his zappers on me.

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