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Stella's pov

I was in the rainbow room, playing games and what not, when I heard loud noises, like screams, and not the good kind.

I followed the noise of the painful groans and whines, walking to a window, I saw papa standing Infront of Peter's shaking body, two guards beside him were holding the power to electrocute him.

After every minute they would press the long stick onto his ribs and the side of his body, making him hiss out in pain, hearing his cries made my heart wrench.

Was this because he was training me? Was this because of me? Was I to blame?

His cries made me close my eyes as I looked around for a way to help him, he looked like he hated it, but he's been through this.

Papa walked out as I moved behind a wall to hide, Peter was nowhere to be seen behind him though, he walked away to another room, ten's room, and I looked back into the window.

I saw Peter on the floor, he was almost laying like he was dead. I walked in, knowing I could take the two guards on. And that's exactly what I did.

"Get out of here." The said tapping the sticks in their hands multiple times.

"Not without him." I demanded as Peter shook his head. He knew this was a bad idea, and so did I, but I didn't care. I wasn't leaving without him.

"You can't get him, now leave, before we make you." The guard smirked in threatening manner, I would've laughed at that. Especially since he seemed like he was half way in his grave.

"Go ahead, I'm not leaving until I get him." I told him.

In a matter of seconds they chased after me as I used my powers to smack them into a wall, their backs cracking, the walls cracking with them.

When I was about to walk closer to check up on Peter, something hit the back of my head, and slowly Peter had slipped out of consciousness too.

I fell to the floor as my head bounced up twice, I tried my best to keep my eyes open, to see who it was, my eyes fluttered as I looked up, my world turning and twisting. All I saw was a guard. One I didn't see before.

And then I fainted, my eyes closed, and I never knew where I would wake up next, but I didn't think it would be this place.

When I woke up I was still on the floor, my eyes opened, but closed just as fast, trying to adjust to the lights above me. When I came to my senses I realized that I was in a cage. A literal cage.

The bars was so close together that even my powers couldn't help me get them apart. Even if they did the door was shut, and it didn't look like it was gonna open any quicker.

But I wasn't going to give up, I looked up as i focused on the bars Infront of me, and getting out of them, what I didn't notice was Peter. Laying beside my cage, unconscious.

But I didn't notice that until later on. When I tried to use my powers on the cage, I couldn't. It's like they weren't there anymore. I panicked. Because I didn't know how to feel, I was claustrophobic and this wasn't helping the cage was just 4 walls and a floor didn't know where to go or what to do.

"P-peter." I said as I noticed his unconscious body near my cage.

As much as I tried to wake him up, the more I realized that he wasn't going to wake up anytime soon.

After hours alone in the room, Peter still wasn't awake, his bleeding had stopped, but he was still unconscious. Papa then came into the cold room, he had a smirk on his face, and I wanted to wipe it off more than ever.

"Pa-papa why am I here?" I asked seeming innocent.

"Well, two. A little Birdy told me that you had been disobedient. But don't you worry, you'll be out of here in no time." He said. I was close to losing it, and bashing his head against a wall. He wanted me to be his pet, but that was not gonna happen. I would make sure of it.

"Papa, I didn't disobey them, they were hurting Peter." I said innocently, I didn't expect papa to actually believe me, but he did.

"They were teaching him a lesson, he disobeyed papa, he knew the consequences to his actions." Papa said as he walked over to Peter's body. If I could I would've ripped his hands off and killed him right there. But I couldn't. Not yet.

"I-im sorry papa, please- don't leave me here." I mumbled to him, I held back a smirk and stopped it from forming on my face.

"Don't worry, you'll be out of here soon. Just not now, two." He said as he walked out of the room leaving me all alone with Peter.

Soon from beside me, I heard shuffling, I looked over and saw Peter trying to get back on his feet, he looked at me, smiling.

"P-peter are you okay?!?" I asked looking at his bruised up body.

"I'm fine, why are we here?" He asked me looking around, catching on pretty fast that this was the punishment room.

"Peter, papa he had his guards put us in here, I can't use my powers, I don't know what to do, I'm basically useless now, I feel scared. How are we supposed to get out, what if something happens to eleven and fourteen, Peter, I'm scared." I panicked walking over to the cell that he was in,

what limited us from being with eachother was the bars and a distance of a few feet.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay, you're okay. You're all right. Don't worry, okay? We'll get out of here very soon, and I'll get you home." He smiled and whispered. The cameras in the room were able to hear us too, thus why we were whispering.

"I'm already home, I'm home with you Peter." I smiled to myself.

He smiled looking at me, his gaze drowned me. I could hear my own heartbeat, beating with his.

Peter had been my home for a long time, only thing was..I never realized it, not until it was too late.

All I needed right now was him, him and my family, I just wanted to leave this place, meet people that actually cared about me, that actually wanted me around.

Not just because they wanted me to be a lab rat, being tested to apparently "save people."

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