Exploring The Past

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Stella's pov

"Stella." He nodded his head towards me, addressing me as that name.

"Stella?" I questioned, that was my name?

Whenever I found out what someone's name was I always wanted to know what it meant, so that was my next question to Peter.

"What does it mean?" I asked looking up as him, he was still holding my hand even after his introduction. He may have noticed that I was staring at our hands because as soon as he figured it out, his hand flew out of mine.

Almost like he was shy, or scared to touch me. Like I was something fragile.

"It means star, or celestial star." He replied looking in my eyes.

His posture was always upright and stiff, it was almost like he was a statue, of course he could move and all, but something about me scared me as well, I think it was the way he acted. I hadn't seen much of it. But it scared me.

I had chills running up my spine, making me notice the air conditioner right above my head, the other kids were playing around in the 'rainbow room.'

I sat down in a chair, Infront of it was a table with chess pieces around it, from my point of view it was like someone had already played it, without thinking I decided to rearrange the pieces, when one of them fell.

I crouched down to grab it but before I could another hand grabbed it, I looked up to see Peter again, he smiled at me picking it up as I sat back in my chair.

He came and sat Infront of me, examining me putting the pieces in place. I looked up at him, blood rushing to my cheeks, thought I didn't know why.

Looking at my state, his lips turn at the corner for a second, you could see his Pearly, white teeth. His light hearted chuckle then echoed through the room. Even with multiple of the children being there.

One thing I figured out was that he smiled, he may not be that bad after all.

"You're very pretty." To say I was caught off guard by his remark was an understatement.

I looked up at him literally baffled. I didn't know what to say.

"I-uh thank you." I smiled putting my hair behind my ear, that's when it hit me.

All the other subjects or children had their heads shaved off, the only people who were able to have hair were the staff members all of the others one didn't have a strand of hair on them.


This may have just been the weirdest place I've been in. All I knew was that I had to figure out a way to get out of here, as fast as I could.

Little did I know he wanted to get out too, but we didn't have the same plans.


For the next few days they would always run tests on me, trying to make me their puppet, while I was trying to fix my life, figure out what was happening.

Right now I was in room with two people, my Trainers, I guess. Doctor Ellis and Doctor Ramon. Every week they would spend one on one time with me randomly, during three days of the week.

"Test number one." Doctor Ramon announced as doctor Ellis rolled a dice towards me.

"Now, I want you to move this dice, but without using your hands." She stated. I looked up at her like she had lost her mind. Which in my defense, I really thought she did.

I mean how do you expect a person to move something with there mind, what is this? Star wars.

I scoffed at her request, rolling my eyes as I stared at the dice, I then grabbed it with my hand and moved it.

"That's all I can do. You can't move things with your mind." I told her sitting back in my chair.

"You can if you try, so do that two, try." She said as I huffed. I knew I had no choice.

I obeyed because that's the only thing I could do. I used my mind, and focused it on the dice, looking at the six sides of it, I noticed it had a little bit of dust on it, signaling it was old, it has a light pink shade to it.

Suddenly it started shaking, slightly, but I could tell it was moving, another confirmation was that doctor Ellis looked at doctor Ramon smiling, clearly proud of me.

Then I moved it across the table without letting it fall on the floor, it moved super fast, I was close to not noticing it at one point, I gasped at what I had done.

How could I do that?

What the hell is this place?

"How's it going?" The man came into our room again, I still didn't know what to call him, but others called him 'Papa.'

But I refused to, he wasn't my dad, he wasn't related to me, I wanted to find my parents. I wanted to leave, here I was just a lab rat, an experiment, a test subject to tease till they die.

"Good, she's feisty but we're getting there." Doctor Ellis smiled, I glared at her, my gaze hardened by the second.

"All right. Well, I'm going to occupy her for a few minutes." He said as he took my hand without my permission and started dragging me with him once again.

Walking past the other room all I could see was numbers and the door near it.

This son of a bitch..






He took me to my room as I plopped down on my bed, tired of these stupid tests.

"So I know that all of this may be confusing, but you can call me papa, this place, is a safe place where we all share our powers to save the world, we help eachother, and we progress, that's why we have you doing these tests. You, Stella, have special powers that you can help the world with, these powers help, helpless people sleep at night." He stated, my whole life had been flipped upsidedown In a matter of seconds, I didn't want these powers.

"Wh-what if I don't want these powers?" I asked.

"Well, you were chosen Stella, ever since you've been born, you've always been special, and this is why." He told me walking back and forth.

"But why me? There's nothing special about me, all my life I've felt like I've been locked up, and suddenly I wake up, not knowing a thing about this world, and apparently I'm 9, how does that work?" I asked him, scared, I didn't wanna help people, how could I help them, when I needed help.

Help finding my friends and family, the people who actually care about me and don't need to use me for some reason to save the world.

"It is possible, because you are special just like every other kid here they're all special." He said monotonously. He had no interest in this conversation, to me it seemed like he almost hated me.

Only if I knew it was because of my abilities.

𝔽𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕝𝕖 𝕤𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕤 • Stranger things • 001/PeterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant