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Stella's pov

"Two, you are requested to see papa in the punishment room." Said someone over the speaker.

The punishment room...

I didn't know what I had done, but reluctantly I made my way to the room, slowly, scared for what's to come.

When I walked in I saw papa, a few guards and Peter standing behind papa, he looked at me, Infront of my feet was three. He was on the floor with a shock collar on him.

He was coughing continuously as he rolled over onto his side, some sorts of fluids leaked out of his mouth making me furrow my eyebrows as I looked up at papa.

He looked like he had been in this position for hours, gasping for air, purple and yellow spots near his eyebrows, sweat stains on his outfit.

"Pa-papa what is this?" I asked, stepping over threes body and standing Infront of papa with my head down.

"You said you didn't remember what had happened that night in the rainbow room right. Well, two are you down to take a path down memory lane?" He said smirking as he grabbed a laptop with the security camera footage of that night.

But weren't the cameras off?

The footage showed me being tossed around, and my face and head hitting the floor multiple times, I was surrounded by three and his gang.

"This footage is footage that was discovered from that night in the rainbow room." He said as I looked up at him shocked.

"Peter." Papa says as he walks out, shit. Peter was the only person I was comfortable with beside eleven and fourteen. And him leaving had me a little worried.

I was wrong though, he didn't leave instead he ended up dragging the other three in the room, they all looked horrible, some worse than others. They all had a shock collar on them.

They all were sweating and coughing, they seemed tired and helpless, they were having trouble standing because when Peter dragged them in they all stumbled near my feet. They were all on the floor.

"Would you like to do this your way? It's only fair, they cause too much pain." Papa said I looked up at him confused about why he said if I'd like to do things my way, then I noticed the device in his hands.

I noticed the remote that controlled the collars. The four kids on the floor gasped in shock as they looked at the remote in papa's hands. He then put it in my hands as I looked at the kids.

I would say I wouldn't like doing this, but I would, I did because I wasn't going to be bullied by some kids, kids that believe being strong Infront of papa means power. Kids that use that power to harm others.

I pressed on the collar as they all started seizing. This went on for a while until I decided they had enough.

"Thank to Peter for this huh?" Papa smiled soon walking out of the room.

So Peter did this? For me?

I smiled to myself as I walked out of the room. Peter had my heart already, but this just made me fall for him even more.

A few hours earlier

Me and Peter were playing chess in the rainbow room. It had became a habit of ours, every day after practing we would play chess, papa ordered him too, he said it would help both our minds, especially when I would've been moving the pieces with my mind.

"Today, we are going to play a game. The rules of the game are quite simple. Stay in your circle. If you leave your circle, you lose. The last person standing in their circle will get to spend an extra hour of free time in the rainbow room." Papa announced as we stood in a straight line.

"Now, even though we are going to be competing against one another..." He started.

"Four. Eight. ...I don't want you to approach this any differently than one of our tests. Yeah? Now, this is very important. If you allow anger or emotion to invade your thoughts, you will fail. I promise. Do you understand? It's nothing new, we've done this before." He said as we stepped into the circle.

"Yes, Papa." We nodded.

"Good." He smirked.

"Begin." I was honestly scared, I didn't want to hurt anyone but I didn't want to let papa down even though it wasn't my turn.

"Very good, four. Number eight, take a seat by the door." Papa said as three used all the strength in him to push six out of the circle.

"Two." Papa asked.

Shit. Four despised me for some reason, I didn't even know why, just that he was apart of threes gang. I just know this wouldn't end well for either of us.

I walked over to the circle, anxiety coursing through my body, as Peter walked behind me and but the blindfold on me.

"He'd found his strength in a memory from his past. Something that made him sad, but also angry. Do you have a memory like that?" I heard Peter's voice in my head. It always rung in my head when we did challenges like these.

"Stella. No! No! No!" I heard mama.

I used the strength I had in me to channel my anger. And I unleased it.

"Well, well. It looks like we have a new winner." Papa smiled.

"Five." He announced as they came and stood against me.


She was the last one standing, so was I. I didn't want to hurt her either.

"Good luck. Begin." He said.

It was a tough battle but I knew that eleven ended up letting me win, why though? Yeah me and her were best friends, but why didn't I do that for her.


So that was the reason three and his gang hurt me, not that it was surprise to me, they had done this before.

But Peter made sure they couldn't do it again, and I appreciated it, I just wish he would've been the one who told me he did this. I was entirely unaware that the course of my life was about to change. and not in the best ways.

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