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Stella's pov

I was playing the aim-game in the rainbow room, we didn't really have a specific name for it because I never asked what the game was, I just played.

I kept missing the number I was trying to aim for, making me grunt in frustration.

"Which number are you aiming for?" I heard a voice ask, I immediately knew who it was. Peter.

Peter had been a friend of mine since I woke up from my so called 'coma', basically my whole life. I knew he was like me. He always seemed out of place, and he seemed like he didn't want to be here.

He never had any powers though, his intelligence was enough to intrigue papa. But eventually he became an orderly. At least that's what he told me. I, however, found it a little weird, intelligence intrigues papa...

I was waiting for my tests to be taken, at one point I was gonna be called out, and taken away from the rainbow room, papa said that if I wanted to, I'd be able to hang in the rainbow if I made progress, and I did. It had been 349 days since I had been here.

I had tests every three days a week and somehow, not wanting to, I was still able to make improvements. I somehow knew how to move things with my mind, and with my eyes closed.

"One." I replied looking back at him with a smile snapping into reality again.

"You know, sometimes it's helpful to take a step away for a moment. Let the mind clear." He said sitting down next to me.

I grabbed another chip as I sent it down, it made multiple noises but it never went into the box labeled as one. It went into three.

"Determined, aren't we?' he smiled. I rolled my eyes at him.

"You remind me of someone. Someone I used to know really well. Can you guess who that is?" He said as he grabbed the chip from my hand, not before rubbing my pinky finger as goosebumps raised up my skin.

Over the course of 349 days me and Peter had gotten super closer, and I had gotten closer with this girl named eleven too.

She seemed much more closed off and quieter than Peter, when I first met him. But she opened up to me at times, she had the same incident happen to me at one point.

"One? Papa said that he doesn't..." I furrowed my eyebrows, I was cut off by Peter speaking up.

"Exist? I know.But can I tell you a secret? Sometimes, Papa doesn't tell the truth. I spent years with One. Right here. In this very room." He whispered, he was close to me so hit breath hit me chest as I turned my complete attention to him.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"Maybe we'll save that story for another day. It doesn't have a happy ending, I'm afraid. But he was a lot like you. Everything was hard for him. Then, out of nowhere, he walked in here and it was like something had changed. And I asked him what's different, and he said... He said he had figured it out." He looked up at me his eyes glancing at my lips and my eyes.

"He had found his strength in a memory from his past. Something that made him sad. But also angry. Do you maybe have a memory like that?" He asked me.

"Not that I know of...but one seems like a very nice person.." I basically talked to myself.

"He was, Ella. Do you remember the day a strange woman came to see you? This would've been when Eight was still here. The woman, she was calling a name to you." He informed me.

'Ella.' he used that, not often, but a lot of times when we'd have our conversations, that nickname was a nickname no one else could call me. He had that right.

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