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Stella's pov

It had been around 2 weeks in the cell. Me and Peter were the only ones there, papa had came to visit us 3 times during these week, and all I wanted to do was get out.

The cameras and the fans were the only things heard at night, the only things you could see was the chairs in the corner, stacked on top of eachother, one by one.

Peter and I would have conversations everyday. Planning and planning to get out of this hell hole.

I didn't realize when, but in a matter of minutes papa came into the room again. He said he had some good news for the two of us.

"So, we've seen that you guys have been learning your lesson, as a result, you'll be leaving this room in 3 days." He said. I cut him off then, three days. That's all. Then we leave, we leave and we never come back.

He said a lot more stuff, which I didn't comprehend, I was still stuck in the three days. I was waiting for them to be over. Impatient me, was not a good person, I'd do anything in my power to leave now if I could. But I can't.

Once papa left, Peter turned to me as I looked up at him.

"You still have the key card right?" He asked me. I nodded not being able to say anything.

"Good, once we're able to get out of this cage, we're going to leave. That exact day." Peter told me as I shook my head.

I wasn't going to leave without eleven and fourteen. I promised them I would help them escape.


It had been three days since the last conversation we had with papa.

He soon came into the room, he didn't say a word, but he let us both out, as soon as he did I walked out.

I was finally able to breath, I was able to feel a little bit of hope again.

Me and Peter were sent into the rainbow room, and I was waiting to leave.

"In two hours, when the clock hits 8pm we're going to leave. Be ready, all right? Meet me where we planned." He told me as I nodded, walking into the room.

Then I waited till the clock hit 8pm. As soon as it did, I went towards an orderly.

"I feel dizzy." I said

"Dizzy?" The orderly repeated as if he couldn't hear me properly.

"Yes. And the light. The light is hurting my head." I lied as I fluttered my eyes, making it seem like I was going to faint.

Soon we started walking in the hallway as I slowly and quietly headed towards the pipe lines, I used the key card Peter had given me weeks ago to lead me to the stairwell.

Then I zoomed down, reaching my freedom. Or I thought so.

Third person pov

"Sorry to bother you." The orderly spoke to the nurse as he opened the door.

"Everything all right?" The nurse asked as she was checking up on the boy laying down.

"Not sure. She says she's still dizzy. Lights are hurting her." The orderly infromed the nurse.

"Hurting who?" The nurse furrowed her eyebrows, the orderly looked behind him as he saw nothing but the pale floor, walls and roof.

He didn't realize when but the slick girl had already gotten past him, she was on her way to the freedom she'd been dreaming of.

Stella's pov

When I Reached the place Peter said he'd meet me in, I started walking towards the pipes, seeing if he was around.

Suddenly a pipe started hissing, steams coming out of it as I jumped back, I landed into a hard chest, I turned around as I let out a yelp.

"Quiet. Follow me." Peter said putting a finger to his lips.

"Now, it's going to be a bit scary in here, but this, this will lead you out beyond the lab fence to the woods. And then you're A free bird." He said as eleven joined us.

I wondered where fourteen was, we had planned that she would come with eleven, but she didn't show up, eleven told us that she has searched everywhere for her. But she couldn't find her.

Unfortunate thing is someone had already gotten to her.

"But you're too big." Eleven smiled.

"I'm not going with you, Eleven. I meant what I said when I called this place a prison. And everyone here is a prisoner, not just you. Not just your brothers and sisters, but the guards, too, the nurses. Me." He said as I looked up at him sadly.

"Here. Can you feel it?" He said as he grabbed my hand and put it to his neck.

I could feel a weird bump on it, it was like something was inside his neck. And then it hit me. The tracking chip.

It was in my neck too. He had it in both of ours, he knew what was going to happen. He wanted to stop us.

"Your papa calls it Soteria. It weakens me. It tracks me. Even if there were another way out, he will find me." He told eleven as I already knew all of this.

"And if he finds me, he will find you." He look at me.

"What if I make it go away? You helped me. I help you." We both looked up at eleven, for the first time I had hope in a while, hope that I'd leave this place. Hope that me and Peter could finally survive. All because of eleven.

Soon me and Peter were sitting on the floor, he had a belt in his hand, he held it up to his mouth to help him, stopping him from letting out any sort of loud sound.

I had my hand, I was biting down on it, it would leave marks for sure.

"Remember, you can't hurt us more than they already have." He said as eleven took a deep breath.

Soon she let her powers work as me and Peter let out low whines and grunts, the flesh from our skin ripped as two small chips fell out of it.

"Who knew something so small could cause so much trouble? Thank you." He said as he walked over to the two chips laced with blood.

But we didn't realize when the guards had found us, we didn't give up though. I wasn't going to give up now, there was absolutely no way.

I was going to leave one day and that day was today, it had to be. I would leave as soon as I could, and I wouldn't waste a second, all I need to do now is get fourteen.

𝔽𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕝𝕖 𝕤𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕤 • Stranger things • 001/PeterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin