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Stella's pov

I was sitting in my room with a piece of paper Infront of me, I was seated in a desk when I figured I should do something.

Draw the imagine I saw, the imagine of my mother.

I always found drawing to be a talent of mine. And I was good at it. There were some tricks to it that I learned over time.

For example, How I hold my pencil was crucial, but nevertheless remains very personal. I liked being personal, I liked keeping things private.

Then once I got the hang of it, I Started with simple subjects, such as still lifes, before undertaking more complex compositions like landscapes, portraits and drawing people's faces. To compose my subject, I always followed my intuition!

I knew that my eye has to do substantial analytical work. Once I have selected I subject, I need to study it from every angle. Make sure I knew where I started, and what I started, and where I went from there.

Sometimes I Practice representing the selected subject diagrammatically, by taking the forms and geometric volumes as your basis.

Another thing I did was Draw snapshots of my subject from every angle, camera-style. Every possible position that came into my head.

For a static subject I Worked on my rough sketch from various points of view, to work out volumes and changes in light. Making sure it always looked realistic and pleasant.

For a moving subject like a human being or animal I would Learn how to observe movements and postures.

Usually, when I first started I Looked for something I was interested in and I 'Practiced, practiced practiced' as they say.

A great way that worked for me was to start by creating a simple line drawing, make several copies of it and try different things to take the drawing a step further.

Sometimes I would just scribble and drag the pencil however I could. On one you might draw much more of the fine details. Some other days I would draw basic shapes and sketches of people, if I had the time.

And right now I had a lot of time to draw, so that's exactly what I did, but I made sure papa couldn't see what I was drawing from the camera, I used my powers to get the camera to be stuck at an angle away from me. Surely, papa wouldn't know.

I started off with the outline of her face, making a circle and then lines in it to support where the eyes, nose, eyebrows, and lips would could, after all that was done, I erased the lines making sure they didn't leave a mark behind, to leave the sketch clean and nice.

I don't know if a lot of people start off with drawing the eyebrows but I do, I slowly and carefully traced small lines to fill in the eyebrow, when I was done, just below it, I started on my eyes.

I made the out line of my eye, and then the inner circle, after I did all that I made my pupil and the highlight of my eyes, I filled in the pupil, making sure it stayed in the lines.

Done with that, I made my lower and upper eyelid, a began drawing the eyelashes, and then I started darkening it out, once I was happy with the result. Slowly it started to look like the person I saw in the images, and that made me happy.

I was still focused on the camera as well too, I wanted it to stay away from me as well so I did something, I flipped the paper over as I started drawing a spider on it.

A black widow, once I was done I let the camera cross over once, scanning the whole room, making sure nothing was found on, then I used my powers again, to stop it from moving, making sure papa couldn't see me.

I flipped my paper over to it's right side and continued to draw, once I was done, I could see the picture of my mother again, at first when I saw the images in my head, I couldn't completely see her face, but she was beautiful.

She was unreal, and it just hurt me much more, knowing that I may never see her. That I may never leave. And I hated that feeling. It made me feel unsafe.

I completely broke down crying, for my mother, a person I didn't even know, soon someone came into my room, but I was too busy crying, I noticed the smell in the room, it signaled to me that it was Peter. He put his hand on my back, while both my hands were on the table with my head on it.

"I-im okay." my voice cracked.

"You're not..." He whispered.

I had forgotten he could still see the picture of my mother Infront of me, I got up, wiping my tears off my face, convincing myself that it was all going to be all right. And I was going to be fine.

"I'm fine." I told him again, he smiled sadly, his gaze softening by the second.

"Is that her?" He said as he grabbed the paper, I went back to my bed and sat on it, grabbing my pillow and hugging it.

"I think so." I told him, nodding, I wasn't looking at him, but I felt his eyes on me.

"How do you know?" He asked me and then he looked up at the camera noticing I was still stopping it.

"When you asked me about my mother a few weeks ago, this- this image...of her it just popped into my head, and uh- she kept saying my name." I told him holding back my tears.

Growing up in this lab, my tears were always loyal to me, they wouldn't come out of my eyes without my permission, they may have been the most loyal to me.

"She's really pretty.....like you." He said trying to lift my mood up.

"I have to get back to work, but we're all soon needed in the rainbow room, so I had to go, but Ella, if you ever wanna talk about this, I'm here for you all right? After all I lo- I like being your friend..." He cut himself off. I wanted to know what he actually wanted to say.

I wanted to know how he really felt about me.

"All right. Thank you Pete." I called him by the nickname I had for him, and he always loved it, though if anyone else called him that, he didn't like it.

He walked over to me and did something I would've never expected, he kissed my forehead, his touch made goosebumps appear in my body like an army of soldiers moving to snatch lives away from people that disobeyed them.

His hands were on either sides of my face, as he looked at me longingly, I stared at him, not knowing what to do or say. I then looked down, blush rushing to my cheeks.

I wish I had known he would've been my downfall, way before I fell for him.

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