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Stella's pov

"When is this damn challenge gonna end we need to get out of here, we need to find that orderly." I yelled in frustration as fourteen sat there worried, Peter was still on lookout.

"We need to completely stop the wolf. And I know how." He looked at me as we shared a knowing look, I knew exactly where this was going and I was ready for it.


We made our way out to the hallway once again, but we saw blood around one of the hallways I had told Peter to do his job and go back to fourteen and help her.

What Peter did was attract the wolf, and I did my job.

Peter used his own charm of 'creating useless noises' to attract the wolf, which surprisingly worked.

He ran in the room again where fourteen was sitting, scared for her life, and the orderly's life.

The wolf then came running in my direction, like I was it's prey, all I could see was that the wolf was hungry, like one kill wasn't enough, it needed many more. I would be surprised if it still wasn't happy with murdering the entire lab.

As soon as it tried to jump on my I turned my head to the side, smashing it into a wall, using my powers the adrenaline in my body built up like nothing before.

I used the remaining strength I had to rip apart the wolf, into pieces, and all the blood from the wolf spluttered around the entire hall, like some sort of ketchup packet that someone stepped on.

There was some on my face too, it smelled weird. similar to rust, It has a metallic smell to it. I wiped it off with disgust in my face.

I looked at the scene Infront of me as I took a deep breath letting some energy into my body, the lights suddenly turned on, Brightening the scene Infront of me.

I was surprised I did all this, but at the same time I knew it had to be done.

On the speakers you could hear papa's voice the blaring alarms had been drowned out as the lights came on.

"Congratulations two, you completed the challenge, proving you may be the strongest here as of now. All of the children and their orderlies are now required to come into rainbow room." He said, I could almost hear the sinister smirk on his face, like he was having too much fun with this.

I just knew we didn't have much time from now on, I can't see papa as the safe person he used to be.

I couldn't think straight, and I felt like I was going to faint, maybe because of the adrenaline in my body.

I was about to fall backwards when someone grabbed my body lifting me into the air, bridal style, I realized it was Peter, I leaned into his embrace, making me feel safer than before.

In no time, I was put on to my bed, to get rest, then I fell into a deep slumber. Thinking about a few things, like how I had to escape this place.

When Stella was 9

I was playing with eleven in the rainbow room when papa grabbed my hand and dragged me along with him to a specific room, I didn't know what we were doing, but I just thought it was some sort of activity.

I laid down in the chair as they told me to, but soon they strapped me, but I protested. I shook my entire body until I forced to give in.

They had injected me with some sort of anesthesia, and before I knew it I was falling into a deep sleep.

Third person pov

"we can't do tests or even inject her with chemicals, it's too dangerous she's just been born." The nurses spoke up.

"Just do as I said." Papa said turning out, holding the bridge of his nose.

"But doc, we can't. She's already too weak as a baby." The nurse spoke up again, portesting against the doctors needs.

"We have to do this. Do as I say." He demanded again walking out. Little did he know this test subject of his, would be his biggest mistake.

Little did they know this would put their subject into a coma, making things much, much harder than before.

After Stella wakes up from her coma

"Hello, two." A man said as my eyes fluttered open.

"W-who are you? Where am I!?" I asked the strange man near me.

I didn't know where I was, when I looked around the room all I saw was white, the walls were white, the roof was white, the floor was white, I was on a bed.

It was rather chilly than comfortable, which caused me to hiss slightly as I got up straight. Scared of the man Infront of me, I fisted my hands, ready for anything.

I was dressed in a hospital gown, it covered my body all the way down to my knees, that didn't help the chilly environment of the room. I noticed that my feet were bare.

I couldn't find any sort of shoes anywhere I slowly put my foot on the cold ground of the room as I huffed out, touching the tile.

It was cold, especially on my bare skin, slowly I put my other foot on the floor as well. I tried getting up but the man Infront of me made me sit down once again.

He put his hand out Infront of me, waiting for me to grab it. I was hesitant.

"Come on, there's someone I want you to meet." Papa said as he held my hand, soon we walked into a room.

There were multiple people there, the room looked colorful.

Like rainbows, and there were retro party games all around, all the subjects were dressed in the same gown, a hospital one.

"Children, welcome the newest member of our family to the rainbow room. Two." Papa said as he had me walk over to the children lined up.

"Hello two." The children said all looking at me. I felt like they were all staring into my souls and I hated it. I didn't know where I was, but from all I had seen, I could tell this was either a lab for crazy scientists or some sort of school.

"Uh-" I looked up at the man, not knowing what to say.

"I know this is confusing, we'll have a chat soon, I just want you to know everyone here." He said as he walked me over to multiple other people, they all wore the same thing, white.

White shirts, white pants, white dress shoes, and most of them had the same manner, they were all really closed off.

I met a few other staff members, at least that's what I thought they were, their names were, Andrew, Simon, Alec, and David.

Then papa introduced me to another man, his name was Peter.

He seemed pale, like he was a vampire, he had dirty blonde hair, and a boney structure, but it was attractive, not that I liked him.

He had both his hands together Infront of him, standing in a mature manner, and he seemed sweet, but dangerous at the same time.

But something about his presence made me feel a certain type of way, I couldn't pin point it. But it almost made me

I think it was in the way he looked at me, like I was unreal, or I wasn't supposed to be here, it was the way his eyes say with his pale skin, he stared at me, like I was a bag full of diamonds, his eyes showed me something his body didn't.

It was almost like he had been through everything but nothing at the same time, like he went through something, that caused him to be here today. Standing Infront of me.

"I'll let you two get comfortable." Papa said walking away for the fourth time.

I stood there, awkwardly, not knowing what to say to the man Infront of me, something I noticed about him, was that he looked too young to be a worker here, If I didn't know any better, I'd mistake him for an other one of those people like me.

"I'm Peter." He reached out, smiling.

"I'm...s-sorry I don't remember my na-" I told him.

Why don't I remember anything?

𝔽𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕝𝕖 𝕤𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕤 • Stranger things • 001/PeterKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat