False Hope

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Third person pov

"Hey, Nance! I found some more of your old stuff in the attic." Nancy's mom came into the garage.

"Mr. Rabbit." She gasped.

"It's okay if you wanna save him, you know?" Her mom assured her.

"No, he'll be more loved in a new home." Nancy smiled.

"Someone order a pizza?" Her mom asked.

"Pizza?" Nancy turned around.

From the pizza can came out all the old owners of Hawkins.

"Mom!" They all ran to eachother hugging eachother. Stella jumping into elevens arms.

"Hey! You are never going on vacation again, you hear me? In fact, you can forget about college. You are staying right here." Jonathan asked Nancy.

"Are you okay?" He started again.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. But, Jonathan..." Nancy said.

"This isn't an earthquake. I know. I know a lot more than you think." He stopped her.

"How?" Nancy asked.

"We've been trying to call you... I know. I know. I'm sorry. We just couldn't risk contact." He smiled sadly.

"We couldn't risk contact?" She repeated again, as if he was insane.

"Hey, hey, I'll tell you everything, okay? Okay. I promise. But, for now, I'm just glad you're safe." Jonathan hugged her again.

"Where's Lucas?" Will asked them.

"He's at the hospital." Stella spoke, looking down.

"Was he hurt?" Mike asked, worried for his best friend.

"No. No, he's... Oh God. You don't know." Dustin said.

Lucas was reading max a story when the door opened.

"He opened his eyes, and further words died in his throat. He forgot about the need to sick up that horrible parody of wine." He started.

"He forgot about his mother, and Uncle Morgan, and his father, and almost everything else."

"Speedy was gone. The graceful arcs of the roller coaster against the sky were gone."

"He could feel the hair stirring on the nape of his neck, could feel a goofed-up grin pulling at the corners of his mouth. Speedy! I'm here, my God! I'm here in the territories!" His books ended as he looked up, only to see his best friends.

"Oh my God. We've been calling you guys like crazy." Lucas ran to hug them.

"I know. We came as soon as we heard." He hugged his best buddy back.

"I'm sorry." He whispered to eleven.

"Do they know... when she will wake?" Eleven asked.

"No. They say she might not. Her heart stopped. For over a minute. She died. I... I mean, clinically, but... then she came back. The doctors don't know how. They say it's a miracle." Lucas explained as the girl went to sit next to her best friend.

"I'm here, Max." She whispered to her.

"I'd love to stay here. But we're doing this really quick graduation and memorial ceremony at the school, so I have to give a speech as valedictorian. I'll catch up with you guys later though." Stella spoke to her friends as she walked out of the hospital, tears threatening to fall out of her eyes.

Meanwhile the trio, Robin, Steve and Nancy went to the charity.

"Hi. Hi. Uh, so these are blankets and sheets. And some... some clothes and... and some kids' toys." Nancy explained.

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