Chapter 10 - Imagine A Cat Becoming A Criminal For Killing God

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You looked at the black cat you just stared back at you. Neither of you spoke and it was getting awkward so you decided to leave and jump down. Great, now you had to learn to control anemo. You made your way out of the alleyway to see a worried Aether looking around for you in the streets. "Over here." He turned his head in the direction of your meow and his face instantly changed to one of relief. He ran over to you to check if you were wounded and let out a sigh of relief. "They seem to be a bit bruised. I'll carry them for now until they heal." He said as he picked you up in his arms and Paimon appeared beside him. "Phew! That was way too much work for Paimon running around trying to find you. Anyway, now that we have Fluffy should we get going to windrise to check up on the tone deaf bard?" She said as she looked at you and Aether nodded.

When you got to windrise, Venti was looking up at the tree's branches being surrounded by and aura of anemo, the bruises from Signora slowly healing bit by bit. "The wind among the branches feels good. I love the way it smells... Ahaha, I said the exact same thing last time. Why do I only say these things when I'm down on my luck?" Venti spoke softly as he turned to face Aether. "So... what is a gnosis?" Aether asked as you shifted in his arms into a more comfortable position. "Ah, so you noticed. This isn't something I'm meant to discuss with ordinary people... but I suppose I can let you in on this secret." He said, but the solemn mood was instantly interrupted by him sneezing. "As you kno- acho! Vision are external magical foci that- achoo! That only a small minority of people po-achoo! Possess. They use these visions to channel elemental power. In truth, every vision wielder has a chance to attain godhood and ascend to celestia. We call such people allogenes." He then continued to speak, trying to sound as serious as he could while constantly sneezing.

"Allogenes? Paimon's never heard of them before." Paimon said as you started grooming yourself out of boredom. You continued to focus on cleaning yourself as the sound of their conversation began blur into the background. You were interrupted from your grooming when Paimon suddenly spoke in a loud and panicked voice. "WHAT?! Why didn't you tell us before? Bye then! Aether! We're going!" She was about to leave but was interrupted by Venti. "One moment, windborne outlander." Aether suddenly put on a worried face at his words. "Sorry for borrowing the statue's anemo power without answering." Venti simply laughed at his worried tone of voice. "Just use it gratefully, or better ye- achoo! Treat me to a glass of dandelion wine."

He said with a close eyed smile. "Traveler, as you set off on your journey once again, you must remember that- achoo! the journey itself has a meaning. The birds of- achoo! Teyvat, the songs of the cities, the Tsaritsa her fatui and the monsters... achoo! They are all part of your journey. The destination is not everything- achoo! so before you reach the end, keep your eyes open. Use the chance to take in the world around you." He spoke as he put his hand on his chest. "I understand." Aether said as he nodded. "Great. So that's that for the anemo archon's admonishments, back to Venti time! Achoo!" He said his serious voice returning to the playful tone he had used before.


Aether had asked the knights of favonious to take care of you until your bruises healed before he went to wolvendom, so sadly no meeting Razor :( You were perfectly able to escape and found way too many opportunities to, but you were more interested in Kaeya. Sorry Razor. The reason why you were interested in Kaeya was not because of pretty privileges, but because when he first saw you he instantly froze and stopped speaking. As cute as you were as a cat, you don't think he was shocked by your beauty. Another thing was that you had free access to the library. You hated studying but since you could somehow read their writing, you should at least try to find more clues on how to get to kheanriah. At first it was just a "lmao why not" moment but the strong urge you had to [REDACTED]...

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