Chapter 12 - Aether You Lil Shi-

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I was considering making y/n dream abt sum lore but then i realised yall have been getting too much lore


You woke up on a desk beside a black and white cat. Looking around, you saw Verr Goldet behind the desk and that you were in wangshuu inn. You heard from somewhere that the cat at wangshuu inn was apparently name Wei. They looked at you and meowed when they noticed you were awake, which caught Verr's attention. She looked aver at you and smiled as she stroked your fur. "You must be confused, the traveler is currently getting some almond tofu so he can speak to Xiao, an adeptus at wangshuu inn." She stopped petting you to greet another customer.

While Verr was speaking with the customer, Wei looked cautiously bent down to sniff you. They jerked away when you got closer but leaned back in to continue to sniff you. 'Do I still smell like catnip or something?' After they were done doing that, they watched Verr and the customer speak. You decided to explore the rest of wangshuu inn for yourself. Last time you were here, you were too busy trying to escape bath time to explore anywhere.You jumped down and climbed up the stairs to explore the second floor. It was basically the same as it was in game except there were some entrances to hallways where the rooms were. The hallways were decorated with potted plants, and tables. You noticed from the corner of your sight that Wei had followed you. They began to sniff and chew on one of the potted plants. You ignored them in favour of jumping out an open window to climb through the tree branches to the second balcony.

When you had jumped down to the railing of the balcony from one of the tree branches, you noticed Xiao was standing by the railing and looking at the view liyue had to offer. A thump was heard behind you and you saw Wei jump down onto the wooden flooring and walk until they were beside you. Ignoring them, you up to Xiao and jumped onto the railing where you sat and looked down at the vast landscape of liyue. You felt Wei play with your tail that was hanging down from the railing as it swished from side to side. "You. You're the cat that I saw in the treasure hoarder camp. What exactly are you doing here, and why does a creature like you hold so much elemental power all of a sudden?" Xiao said in a monotonous voice, not even sparing you a glance. You meowed at him as Wei jumped up and sat on the railing beside you. Only then did Xiao look at you. He looked back at view and didn't speak any further.

You turned to face Wei who was about to fall off because they were standing on their hind legs while trying to catch a butterfly. You raised you paw at them and smacked their nose so that they would sit down and not fall to their death. They did end up sitting down while the flicked their ear. Wei then jumped around you to get closer to Xiao and began eating his hair. Xiao pulled away with an annoyed frown on his face. When Wei just continued to pursue his hair, Xiao pushed their head down with his hand while Wei waved their paw in the air trying to pull his hand off. A geo crystalfly lands on your nose while you watched Xiao continue to push Wei's head down, so you did the most reasonable thing someone would when a butterfly lands on their nose.

You jerked your head backwards and then bit at the crystalfly. With a struggling crystalfly in your mouth which you had no idea what to do with, you plopped it on Xiao's hand that was still holding Wei's head down. Xiao stopped putting pressure onto Wei's head so the cat pulled their head out and watched with curiosity as the geo crystalfly on Xiao's hands flap it's wings experimentaly, before flying off. And of course, Wei bit onto it before it could fly away, and now they were eating a very crunchy geo crystalfly. Xiao shook his head and then turned to face the view and just watch it again.

After eating the crsytalfly, Wei turned around to sniff you again, and then you sniffed him back. "Is this the battles of sniffs or-" You were interrupted when Wei started grooming you. You hit them with your paw again but it was in a playful manner. They raised their paw and hit you from the underside of your jaw, but you didn't feel shit. And so, the two of you continued play fighting while Xiao closed his eyes while standing. Wether he was sleeping or not who knows.

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