Chapte 21 - Fleeting Memories

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A cloaked figure brisk walked through the crowd. They wore a silky dark blue coat that faded into black with golden star like patterns on it. Their hood covered their face as they pushed through the crowd and bumped into people. The cloaked figure made their way out of liyue harbour and towards the ruins guili planes. They put something down behind a rock, and began to move a boulder which hid an opening under one of the old collapsed buildings where they had set up a temporary camp behind. Here, they would be able to act without anyone being suspicious. They picked what they put down back up and entered their hideout. They closed the boulder once more before turning around to look at their makeshift camp.

It was incredibly dark, so candles and strange looking lamps that each glowed a different colour decorated the place. On the most intact wall was where they out their supplies. A few bags and mini shelves to store their materials, and a stack of books and notebook beside them. Right beside the pile of their belongings, there was a wooden table and various alchemic equipment were places upon it. On the wall, there were various papers attached to it with red strings and notes strewn across. Those were the only things they had, they didn't need sleep so they had no need for a bed of any sorts.

They walked forward to the table and stretched out their arms to put a fluffy h/c cat on the table. The cat was soaked wet with salt water. The star birthmark on their forehead pulsed a faint golden glow. They pressed their hand against it to feel the beat of your core. You were alive and well, that was all that mattered. Since you hated water so much, they would have to clean you while your asleep to avoid you clawing their eyes out. They bent down to grab what they needed to clean you from their bags. "I'm not surprised, you were the second most determined out of Rhine's children. It would have been expected you get to y/n first." They looked around to face a tall woman who wore red and while attire with gold accents.

" They looked around to face a tall woman who wore red and while attire with gold accents

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Her pyro vision placed on her stomach glowed bright red as she put a hand on her hip. "This is quite the place you got here. Well, you'll eventually need to tell someone your name so, what do you want to call yourself?" She asked while leaning against the stone wall. "I do not need a name. It is not required. Leave me be to my devices, just because you were a friend of my creator doesn't mean you have any business in this." He said while cleaning you. "Well, you'll need one eventually. Can't keep calling you subject two now can we?" She said while rolling her eyes. "You wouldn't have to if you left me alone." He said while wrapping you in a blanket. His gaze softened when he heard you purr. "Don't you think it's a wee bit unfair when all of your sibling have proper names while you don't?" She said while making air quotes when saying the word siblings. "Don't care. Leave."

She let out an offended gasp while making a dramatic hurt pose with the back of her hand on her forehead. "Oh how you wound me! How could you so coldly brush off your auntie Alice?" He rolled his eyes while pushing her out of the camp. "You are not my aunt. Fuck off." She turned around to look at the building she was once in. "Rude."

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