Chapter 6: Not yet means not yet

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(Dreams pov)

The movie finishes and I look down at Patches who is fast asleep.

I giggle and move her onto the side of the lounge. I look at my phone to see it was only 5:31 pm. I sigh and turn off the TV. I get off the lounge and walk into the kitchen.

I look in the fridge to see a shit ton more beer. I shut the fridge and open the freezer. I grab out some frozen chicken nuggets. I grab out a tray and put baking paper on it. I put some chicken nuggets on it.

After I put 20 chicken nuggets on the tray then I put the bag back in the freezer after I closed it. I already pre heated the oven so that was done. I open the oven and put the tray in. I set the timer and walk away.

I walk upstairs and walk up to Sapnap's office. I open the door and walk in. Sapnap was streaming with face cam on. It was a discord call with everyone on it.

"Oh hi D-Dream" Sapnap says

"Sapnap you said he was asleep and couldn't join" Bad says

"I was never told about this call" I say

"OKAY Dream please leave my room" Sapnap says

"Hey wai-"

"OKAY YOU CAN LEAVE" Sapnap cuts in. I walk out of the office and shut the door.

I walk downstairs to the lounge room and sit down. I look at my phone to see George messaging me.

Hey Dream guess what~ I am asking again now can I please see your face pleaseeeee


eorge as I said you need to wait until I am comfortable to show you so please stop asking.

Please Dream please!

George not yet means not yet okay so please stop asking

Your right your right I am sorry for pushing you

Thank you your apologize has been expected.

Okay so what are you doing now

Siting with Patches making sure she is okay

What do you mean?

Sapnap was drunk last night and he throw Patches across the room

George doesn't text back through from upstairs I hear...


I know that was George's voice. I smile and look down at my phone to see George replyed

Is she okay?!

Patches has a broken leg thats it

At least she's not to badly hurt if she was I was gonna yell at Sapnap I swear I was gonna go off and badly


f you go off at Sapnap he will go off at me


Yeah, When Sapnap was drunk he hit me with a glass bottle because it was his turn to do the dishes and he made me do them

Are you hurt

No I am alright just a fee cuts but I am alright

George doesn't answer back. I sigh and pick up the TV remote and turn on the TV. I go into Disney+ and sigh. I get up and shut the lounge room door and sit back down. I pick another kiddy movie but I love the kiddy movies.

The doctors said that I will still have most of my kid in me because of the car crash, it messed with my head. I pick Mulan, the 2020 version of course. I put the remote down and look at my phone to see George had texted me.

I am gonna continue this stream and talk alright, text you later?

Alright have fun

I will don't worry

I put my phone down and watch the movie.

HEY it's me how are you guys? Anyways I would like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY DREAM HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD DAY anyways I have decided to let you guys to ask me any questions but some I may not answer because of privately reasons anyways if you want to ask me something you can comment on this text or ask in my conversation area anyways next chapter soon btw story ideas update I know have 117 ideas anyways bye bye :)

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