Chapter 9: Buying different games

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(Dreams pov)

I walk out of the bathroom and sit down in my chair.

I look at my computer to see new discord messages from George. I open discord to see everyone is still in that call even Sapnap that means the others may have heard me talking to Sapnap. I click on me and George's messages

Dream what was Sapnap talking about? What does he mean the doctors can't fix you?

George can you just leave me alone for the rest of the night I need time to myself

Yes of course just fly me a text when you want to talk

Thank you, bye


I change my status to offline so no one else will border me tonight. I sigh and go back on to Steam. I hear my door open and I groan.

"Can I not have alone time please!" I yell

"Dude calm I was just wanted to ask what you want for dinner" Sapnap says

"Just get me something I like now leave me alone!" I yell

"Okay okay okay calm down" Sapnap says. Sapnap leaves the room shutting the door behind him.

I look at my computer screen and looking through Steam. I look at many things until I lay my eyes on a game well games. Every one says The Sims 4 game is really good.

Okay look I love The Sims 4 its one of my favorite games and the sad thing is that I can't get it but oh well I'll write about it hehe.

I look at the many different packs to the game. I shrug and get all off them. I start humming then sigh as I add them all to the cart. I look at more games until I find a game named Slime Rancher. I look around and decide that I was gonna buy it. I add it to the cart and go back to looking around.

I yawn and decide to get off Steam. I buy the things and watch as they load as games on my desk top. I go to google after logging off Steam. I remember George telling about a few games that are free to download. I look up Genshin Impact in google and click on the website. I read about it and decide to give it a go. I download it and wait. I watch as it turns into a game on my desk top.

I click on it and it starts downloading stuff. I yawn and let it download. Sapnap open my door and I turn to face him.

"Here" Sapnap says. He puts a McDonald's bag on my desk.

Sapnap looks at my screen.

"Trying that game that George told you about?" Sapnap asks

"I've decided to give it a go" I say

"Tell me if it's good" Sapnap says "Also your calm down from earlier"

"No I am still mad that your not leaving me alone I am just not showing it" I say

"Right" Sapnap says. Sapnap walks out of the room and shuts the door behind him.

I look at my screen to see the download is done. I look in the bag and pull out my food. I start eating as I load the game up to be meet with a screen asking me to make a account. I make a account and the story starts. I play for a few minutes and I love it. I close the app once I saved my game and go back to google. I look up Dragon City and download it and once again I watch as it becomes a game on my desk top screen.

I play for a few minutes and fall in love with the game. I finish my food and put the rubbish in the downstairs bin in the kitchen. I walk back up to my room and shut the door behind me. I decide to call it a night and turn off my disk top. I walk over to my bedside light and turn it on. I walk over to my room light switch and turn it off. I walk over to my bed and fall onto it. I get under the covers and pull them over my body.

I turn off my bedside table light and fall asleep in my comfy bed.

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