Chapter 30: Fmaily

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(Dreams pov)

It was a few minutes after George had bleached my hair and I was doing fine.

I was laying down in bed while George was streaming. I was patting Patches on my bed while she was trying to make since of my new hair. Patches turns her head to the side.

I giggle and as Patches paws at my hair. Patches hiss and scratches my cheek. I push Patches away from me. I put my hand on my cheek then pull away to see blood pouring off my hand. I get up and walk to my bathroom and look for a bandage.

I can't find one which makes me upset. I slam my hands on the counter and I start laughing. George runs into the bathroom and up to me. My laughing turns to crying and George pulls me in for a hug. George puts a bandage on my cheek and I smile at him.

"Patches doesn't like your hair does she?" George says

"No she hates it I am pretty sure but she's gonna have to get used to it" I say

"Alright I need to continue streaming try not to break anything or have a mental break down" George says

"I make no promises" I say

"I know" George says. George walks out of my room shutting the door behind him.

I lay down on my bed and Patches licks my bandage. I pat her and grab my phone. I move my camera to my hair and take a photo. I post the photo on Instagram then on Twitter.

Big D what happened to your hair!

Trying a new look?

That better just be hair dye...

No it's not, Clay let me bleach his hair

Mate that is amazing! Your hair is white as snow thats really cool

Thank you Phil

No problem mate

Big D has white hair! He's old!

Tommy I am not old calm down, Phil is older then me

Sh Dream sh Phil is not that old come on


I get a message from Sapnap in our message's. I sit up.

Come downstairs

I text George to meet me and Sapnap downstairs and he says a quick okay. I get out of bed and put my phone in my pocket. I walk over to my door and open it. I walk outside my room and downstairs, George was following me.

I walk up to the front door and look at Sapnap.

"Hey Sap whats up-"

I look up to see my Dad, my older sister, my older brother and my younger sister standing in the door way. My dad looks at my hair then at my mouth. I pull my face mask out of my pocket and put it on.

"Come in" I mumble. My family walk inside and Sapnap shuts then locks the door.

They all sit on the lounge and Sapnap walks into the lounge room and sits with them, talking. Me and George make eye contact then George looks away. George walks into the lounge room.

"This is gonna be a fun ride" I mumble.

Another one out and I am sorry if this story is long I just have a lot of ideas but dont worry it mught end before 40 if not then this is my longest story yay meaning my storys may get longer and longer but anyways bye bye.

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