Chapter 28: Hair dye

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(Dreams pov)

I was sitting in a chair with a towel around me.

George was standing behind me with gloves on and the bottles of bleach and green hair dye.

"Have you dyed hair before?" I ask

"Yes I have, a lot of times actually" George says. I hear George grab a bottle and pops it open.

He pours the bleach in on his gloves. George puts his hands in my hair. It was cold on my head. George giggles and moves my hair around. George clips some of my hair out of the way as he bleaches some of the parts.

I hear someone walk down the stairs and I look out from the corner of my eye to sew Sapnap. Sapnap looks at me and George. George looks at Sapnap.

"Uhhh what is going on here?" Sapnap asks

"I am bleaching Clay's hair what does it look like?" George says

"Ooooo scary" Sapnap says. George rolls his eyes.

"Why are you bleaching his hair?" Sapnap asks

"Because I want to dye it a different colour, permanently" George says

"What colour?" Sapnap asks

"Your asking to many questions that I don't need to answer and as you can see I am very busy trying to bleach someones hair so if you could stop annoying me thats would be great thank you" George says

"Why are you acting like this?" Sapnap asks

"Why are you asking so many questions while I am trying to work" George says

"Maybe because you should be doing your actual job to save money so we can pay the house bill" Sapnap asks

"Sapnap enough" I say

"Oh I am sorry freak did I say something to make you upset?" Sapnap asks. I keep my mouth shut and keep my head down.

"Sapnap that was to far so enough alright?" George says

"Whatever I am going to hang with my mates today" Sapnap says. Sapnap looks at his phone.

"Which they are here now so I am gonna go, bye" Sapnap says. Sapnap walks to the front door and opens it, he walks out shutting and locking the door behind him.

George puts more bleach in my hair and he moves it around trying to spead it but make sure their is enough in my hair.

"I am so sorry you had to hear that" George says

"It's fine, my mom and dad used to fight all the time" I say "I am used to it"

"Well you shouldn't be" George says

"But thats just life I guess" I say

"That is true" George says

"How the bleaching going?" I ask

"I am already through 4 bottles thank god I bought 10 big bottles" George says

"Yeah I guess thats true" I say "My hair is a mess"

"It's not a mess it's just really fluffy" George says "And really soft I love your hair so much"

"Your hair looks soft and smooth" I say

"It's not" George says "It may look like that but its just fluffy"

"Alright tell me when the bleaching is done" I say

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