Chapter 16: Discord call

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(Georges pov)

I wake up to a discord message.

I grab my phone and look at the messages.

Okay I am ready it's now or never

I get out of bed and get changed. I logged onto my computer and go into discord. I call Dream and he answers.

"Okay" Dream says. Dreams voice was shaky.

"Dream take as much time as you need" I say

"Okay" Dream says. Dream takes a deep shakey breath.

I watch as Dream's face cam turns on. Dream has his finger over the camera. Dream moves his finger away and I see his whole face. Dream has a lot of scars over his face and he is blind in his left eye, half of his mouth is cut open so you can see his teeth and gums.

My mouth hangs open. Dream notices this and starts panicking.

"Dream calm down" I say

"You think I am a freak don't you" Dream says

"No no I don't I think your quite beautiful" I say

"Really?" Dream says

"Yes of course" I say. I watch as tears fall form my face.

"Oh my god Dream" I say

"I am just so happy your the first person to not call me a freak or turn up your nose" Dream says

"Wait what about Sapnap?" I ask

"He made fun of me and turned his nose up" Dream says. I feel anger rise in me.

"That's fucked up!" I yell. Dream puts his finger over his lips.

"Be more quiet please" Dream says. I calm a little.

"Sorry" I say

"No need to be sorry I should have told you to be more quiet" Dream says

"Well Dream I think you look amazing" I say

"Thank you" Dream says. Dream starts crying more.

"Dream breath and calm down" I say

"I am just so happy" Dream says through his tears.

I giggle a little. I new Dream was emotional but I didn't know Dream was THAT emotional. Dream moves a little as I hear a meow from Dream's side. I watch as Dream picks Patches up and puts her on his lap. I see that Patches as a cast on her leg.

Patches licks Dream's hands and Dream smiles. I stare at Dream's smile, even through he was missing half of his skin his smile is still beautiful. I smile myself and Dream looks up at the carmera.

"She only love me" Dream say

"She may love me as well" I say

"No only me" Dream says "She hates Sapnap"

"I can understand why" I say

"Yeah" Dream says

"Has Sapnap even had any drinks since then?" I ask

"No but he will soon I know he will" Dream says

"Try and stay away from him you and Patches don't need to get hurt again" I say

"Okay" Dream says. Dream's office door open and Sapnap walks in with a beer bottles in his hand.

"Hey Clay" Sapnap says. Sapnap was very drunk you can hear it in his voice.

"Sapnap your drunk" Dream says

"Fuck yeah! Now go pack my office for me" Sapnap says

"Okay" Dream says. Sapnap shuts the door behind him as he walks out.

"I have to go" Dream says

"Stay safe" I say

"I will bye bye" Dream says. Dream hangs up the discord call.

I shut down my computer and decide to start packing as well.

Sorry didn't post much today I am having problems with bullys and they hut me bad like physically my body hurts anyways see you in the next chapter bye bye (Don't worry about me I will heal)

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