Chapter 25: Shopping

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(Dreams pov)

I pull into the packing lot and stop the car.

Me and George get out of the car and I lock it. Me and George walk inside the shopping center. George looks around amazed and I can tell that he has no idea where to go first. I walk up next to George and he looks at me.

"Can I dye your hair?" George asks. I look at him.

"What colour?" I say

"You pick!" George says. George grabs my arm and pulls me into a shop that has hair dye on the shelf's.

We walk different ways around the shop looking at the shelf's for colours. George runs over to me and holds up bleach. I look at him and giggle.

"Your gonna need more then one bottle" I say. I move around my hair around and George nods.

George runs back to the bleach and grabs more and runs back. George holds up 10 big bottles of bleach. I giggle and look around the store. I stop wt the different green shades of hair dye. George looks at the shades as well. George points to a colour that looks like the colour that everyone does my fanart on as well as in my channel banner.

I nod and George grabs 15 big bottles of hair dye. We walk over to the counter and put everything on the counter for the lady to scan. The lady looks at me and my hair. I nod and she nods then scans everything. She puts the stuff in a bag and hands it to me. I take it and pay for the stuff.

Me and George walk out of the store and into a different one. George was looks around the whole shop and picks many things up and shows it to me. I giggle a little and nod for him if he wants to buy it. George looks around everything and pulls out a mini figure of himself.

I smile and walk over to him and pull out the little mini figure of me. George puts it back thrn runs over to another thing. I put mine down and turn around to see George looking at the pop figure of himself. I walk over to him and pick up mine as well

Btw those figures dont exist if anyone who doesn't know I made them up for this story.

George smiles and I smile at him.

"Go on if you want it" I say "I'll pay for it"

"No no no" George says. George puts his figure down and I put mine down.

"I really don't need it I really don't" George says "Come on there are better things we can buy before the shops close so come on!"

George grabs my arm and pulls me out of the shop. We go into many different shops looking around and I was paying for everything even through George didn't like me paying for everything he wanted to pay for somethings I still payed and we both enjoyed it.

We walk back to the car and put everything inside the car. I get in ther drivers seat and put on my seatbelt and George gets in the passenger seat and puts on his seatbelt. I start driving out of the packing lot and onto the road.

It was a quiet drive but I didn't mind the quiet for this one even through I hate the quiet because it makes me think I am dieing again because I couldn't hear anything but this one was nice and calming.

I smile while driving which was a first.

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