Chapter 29: Hair dye 2

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(Dreams pov)

"Alright the bleaching is done" George says as he puts his gloved hands on the towel around me.

"So how long does it take?" I ask. George puts a shower cap over my hair and makes sure that no little bits of hair is sicking out.

"You should wait 30-45 minutes" George says

"What colour will my hair be?" I ask

"White" George says

Warning!: I do not know if it is true that your hair will turn white when you bleach it, please ask a professional how to bleach hair I myself have never done it so please make sure you are supervised or a lest now what your doing do not trust me because I have no idea

"Why white?" I ask

"So the green will stand out in your hair" George says "After 45 minutes you need to get in the shower balancing the shampoo and the pH levels of your scalp then do the same with conditioner"

"So much work just to bleach hair" I say

"Yeah thats the sad part about bleaching hair" George says

"Okay so I will just sit here and wait what 45 minutes" I say

"Yeah" George says "I am gonna go get ready for the green hair dye"

"Okay I'll be sitting in this chair" I say. George giggles.

George walks into the bathroom out of sight. I sigh and lay back in the chair.


"45 minutes are up!"

I stand up and walk into the bathroom. George looks at me and looks at the bath. It was already filled with water was warm. George looks away and I shut the door.

I walk over to the bath and get undressed. I get into the bath. George walks over to me and takes off the shower cap. George still has his gloves on just in case. George takes a the shower head off the hook and turns the water on warm.

George washes my hair making sure I have a nice balance of Shampoo and pH levels of my scalp. After a while he throws in the conditioner. I let George moves his hands through my hair making sure to get every bit. It was calming to me.

After a few minutes George puts the shower head back and steps back.

"Get a towel around you so I can dry your hair" George says. I nod and George looks away.

I get out of the bath and put a towel around my lower half.

"Done" I say. George looks back at me.

He grabs another towel and drys my hair. I close my eyes and hum lightly. George smiles a little bit. I open my eyes and look in the mirror, I couldn't see my hair because George was drying it. I look at my mouth.

I let out a shaky sigh and George notices this, he looks in the mirror at me. I loom away.

"Hey be more happy your gonna have green hair~" George says. I couldn't help but smile and giggle.

After a few minutes George pulls away and makes a gasping noise. I look up in the mirror to see my hair completely white, it was white as snow.

"It worked! You look so pretty!" George says. I move my hair around to see no bits of blonde in my hair.

I get up and hug George who hugs me back.

"Thank you" I say

"No problem but tomorrow we are dyeing your hair green but fir now we have other things to do" George says

"True" I say

We stay in the hug for a little bit longer.

Ayo how you guy's doing? Anyways I have a doctors appointment on Tuesday so yay so fun anyways hope you enjoyed the new chapter and I will see you guys in the next one bye bye.

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