Chapter 27: Nightmare

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(Dreams pov)

I wake up to a warm feeling of someone in my bed hugging me.

I open my eyes and look over to see George. I was laying on the lounge and my head is on George's leg. I look up at George. George must have moved me from my bed and onto my lounge. I move a little and George looks down at me.

"Your awake" George says

"Why am I here and not in my bed?" I ask

"You don't remember what happened last night?" George asks

"No" I say

"Okay well let me tell you" George says. I zone out as a memory comes in.

I wake up screaming. George runs in to my room and puts his hand on my shoulder. I was sweating deeply.

"Clay are you alright?!" George half yells

"He's coming for me" I whisper

"Who?!" George says "Who's coming for you?!" 

I keep saying 'He's coming for me' over and over again. George starts worrying really badly. I stand up and try to walk but George grabs me and holds me close. I scream and yell and start crying badly. George puts my head on his chest as he rubs my head calming me down.

"No one is coming Clay" George says "I won't let anyone hurt you I promise "

"He's coming for me!" I yell

"No ones here Clay only me, I am here that's it" George says

"He's gonna hurt me" I say crying

"He won't hurt you I promise he will have to go through me first okay? Your safe, your safe" George says

"I- I am safe?" I say

"Your safe" George says. I hug George and he hold me close.

"That's what happened" George says

"I had a nightmare" I say

"If you don't mind me asking, what was your nightmare about?" George asks

"I-" I stop "I don't think I can I am sorry" 

George looks at me with a worried face. I sit up and we make eye contact. George's eyes soften and I look away from him. George moves closer to me and puts his hand on my shoulder. I look at him and he looks at me.

"You don't have to tell me but I am worried for you, I always have been and will be" George says. I look away and let out a shaky sigh.

"I am known to have nightmares about my past" I say "That's whats happened"

"Then who's 'He'?" George says

"My dad" I say. George says nothing.

I look at him and George was looking at the ground. George holds my shoulder tightly.

"George?" I say. George gives me a side look full of anger and annoyance.

I look away and at the door. I feel my eyes water up with tears. George notices this and pulls me into a hug. I hug back and hold George close. I put my chin on his shoulder. George holds me tightly. I calm down.

"So when are we dyeing my hair?" I ask

Another one bites the dust XD anyways if we get tooooooo Chapter 35 in any of my books/storys I will tell you guys more about myself but not to much anyways bye bye have a good night or day.

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