Chapter 22: Walk home

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(Dreams pov)

The walk home was every bad I hated it so much.

It was quiet and it felt like I was alone. George looks at me then looks back.

"But dad!"

"I don't care Clay! Your walking home!"

"What if I get lost?"

"Well to bad so sad I don't care!"

I watch as my dad gets in his car and drives away. I start walking home which was a bad idea, every time I ask for help they scream in fear and run away from me. It was a cold night and I hate to say it I was lost.


I snap out of my memory's and look at George who has stopped me from walking.

"You okay?" George says

"Yeah sorry just a memory came into my head thats all" I say

"Okay well stop that because I don't want you getting hit by a car or something" George says

"Okay" I say "But I can't really control when my memory's come"

"Okay just try and not get memory's okay?" George says

"Okay" I say. Me and George continue to walk they way home.

I look down at George's hand which looks very warm. I grab George's hand and hold it. George looks at me and looks down at my hand. George pulls away roughly and puts his hands in his pockets. I close my hand and feel tears threaten to fall from my eyes.

I close my eyes then open them back up. Next second I blank out. After what felt like days George shakes me out of space. I look at George who looks at me worried.

"Memory?" George asks

"No sorry I just blanked out thats all" I say

"Okay at least you stopped walking" George says

"Yeah" I say. Me and George continue to walk.

George moves his hand into mine and I look at him. George smiles at me and I just look down at the ground. After a few minutes we stop at the front door of the house. I open the door and see Sapnap drinking a beer and has another on the the kitchen counter.

Me and George walk inside and George shuts and locks the door behind him. I look at Sapnap who looks at me.

"Nice try Dream but your not running away that easy remember? You can't walk or run for to long or you will blank out or pass out remember thats what your doctor said" Sapnap says. I look away and George walks up beside me.

Sapnap throws the beer at George which was on the kitchen counter. George catches it and looks at the beer and shakes his head. Georgr puts the beer down on thr counter.

"No thank you Sapnap I am gonna stay away from beer now thanks but no thanks" George says. I look at Grorge who looks at me.

Sapnap rolls his eyes at me and George.

"Your loss dude" Sapnap says

"I know thanks for the reminder" George says. I shake my head and walk upstairs to my bedroom and shut the door behind me.

I unpack everything.

Ayo another hockey game tonight and we are still in 3rd but that may change tonight but I dont know I'll tell you guys how it goes and sorry for the no uploads thats gonna change now because I am doing a lot better last week I was on edge of crying and losing my anger anyways I have a game to play bye bye

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