Chapter 11: pain

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(Dreams pov)

I sit down on my bed from a long day of packing.

My doctor says I am not aload to work like that because I am not aloud to work so much of my muscles yet I try to tell Sapnap I need a break but he tells me to keep working.

I lay on the bed and close my eyes. I muscles hurt so bad they feel like they are screaming in pain. Tear fall from my eyes because it feels like I am back in the car crash. I pick up my phone and call my doctor.

"Yes Dream?"

I say nothing but cry. My doctor hears me crying and starts to panic.

"Clay what's wrong. Tell me"

"Me and Sapnap are moving soon and he asked me to pack many heavy stuff" I say

"Please telk me you took breaks"

"I tried to but Sapnap wouldn't let me take one" I say

"What time did you start"

"8:32 am"

"Clay fuck! It's 7:45 pm and you didn't take a break!"

"It hurts so bad" I say. I cry more.

"Okay okay how do you feel?"

"Like I am back in the car crash" I say crying

"Okay me and some others will be right over make sure you tell Sapnap"

"Okay" I say. The doctor hangs up the phone.

I text Sapnap telling him that my doctors are coming over to make sure I am okay. I put my phone down and close my eyes. I must have fallen asleep because I wake up to my doctor shaking me and calling my name.

"You okay?!"

I look around to see 2 of my doctors standing over me.

"Hurts" I say. I start crying again and my doctor trys to calm me.

"Sh sh sh Clay breath"

"It hurts doc it hurts!" I scream.

"Okay okay we are gonna have to stretch out your muscles"

I nod my head.

My doctor only bought 1 other doctor which is good because I hate people seeing my face. Michael grabs my leg and carefully lifts it. I scream in pain. The other doctor trys to calm me. Sapnap walks into the room and up to me.

My doctor moves my leg up and down slowly and carefully. I close my eyes as more tears fall out of them. I soon blank out and remember a memory.

I wake up in the hospital was a oxygen mask on and a IV in my arm. I look around to see my doctor changing my IV.

Once he finishes he looks at me.

"So your finally awake"

"H-how long h-has it been?" I ask

"9 months"

"W-wheres my mom?" I ask. The doctor looks away from me.

I was confused, if I survived then she survived right? The doctor lets out a heavy sigh and walk around the other side of the bed.

"Look Clay"


"Sometimes in car crashes some people live and some die your mum she...she didn't make it I am sorry"

"So shes dead?" I ask


I look away and tears fall from my eyes knowing I will never see my mum again.

I snap out of my mind and open my eyes.

"There all done you should be alright now just get some rest"

"Okay thank you" I say. The doctors leave the house shutting and locking the door behind them.

I put my phone on charge and get under the blankets. Sapnap turns off my light and walks out of the room shutting the door behind him.

I close my eyes and fall asleep.

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