Chapter 31: Day before birthday

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(Dreams pov)

It is now the day before my birthday and I was not excited.

I hated my birthday mainly because it was the day after my birthday when my mom died. I was in my room laying on my bed when I hear a knock on the door.

"Unlocked" I say. Someone opens the door.

I look up to see George who has gloves on and a bottle of green hair dye. I smile and giggle. I get out of bed and me and George both walk downstairs. The chair and towel was out waiting for me.

My older sister and brother are sitting at the table near where I am. I sit down in the chair and George puts the towel around me.

"Say bye bye to white hair Clay" George says

"Not gonna lie I look good with white hair" I say

"You really do but I want you to have green hair like we planned" George says

"Okay" I say. My older sister looks at me. George opens a bottle and pours the green hair dye in his hands.

George puts his hands in my hair.

"It's cold!" I say. George laughs.

"Hair dye is always cold" George says

"I guess" I say. George uses clips to hold my hair up in different places.

I yawn and George laughs.

"You can sleep if you want I am only dyeing your hair" George says

"Yeah but I will fall and the hair dye will go everywhere" I say

"I know I know just try and stay awake" George says

"I will" I say


I look up at my older sister.

"Your growing older every day"

"Not really" I say

"You have grown taller since I last saw you and now you have white hair that your now dyeing white"

"I actually bleached his hair to get it white" George says

"Still his hair looks white as snow"

"I know it looks cool" I say. We all stay quiet for a few minutes.

"I wish I knew why mom went so fast and was upset" I say

"I think that your mom and dad had a fight and your mom was playing it off like she was going to the shops and need one of your guy's help but really she was taking one of you with her when she was leaving" George says

"Thats true"

We all look at my older brother.

"I over heard mom and dad fighting and mom said she had enough and was leaving and taking one of us with her"

My older brother looks up at me with a face full on anger.

"She wanted you. She hoped that you would come with her because she wanted to take you away from dad, you were mom's favorite!"

My older brother stands up and slams his hands on the table.

"I was gonna go with her!"

"And if you did you would look like me" I say "Did you want that?"

My older brother sits down.


"Be happy I took the hit that any of you could have taken if you went" I say

"Your right I am sorry"

"Its fine" I say. I let out a sigh.

George continues to dye my hair as I try not to think about tomorrow.

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