Chapter 18: George is here

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(Dreams pov)

I wake up to the sound of the car door shutting.

I look around to see Sapnap in the driver seat and someone in the passenger seat. I move a little and the person in the driver seat turns to look at me.

It was George. I look at him and smile but it was covered with my mask. George smiles at me.

"Welcome to Florida" I whisper. George smiles.

"Clay go back to sleep your tired I can tell" George says

"But I should be telling you things and showing your things" I say

"Clay it's okay" George says. George puts his hand on my shoulder.

I yawn and snuggle up to my blanket and fall asleep again.


I wake up to George carrying me into my house.

George puts me down on the lounge. I look up at him and he looks at me. George puts his hands over my eyes. I start to squirm around.

"Sh sh sh" George says. George runs his fingers through my hair.

I stop squirming and relax my body.

"But George-"

"Dream your tired so just sleep" George says. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

Through my sleep I hear Sapnap and George talking.

"I'll put him in bed"

"Just leave him"

"Sapnap I am not just gonna leave him he needs to be in his bed"

"Leave him! He was the one who fell asleep in the chair while he knew you were coming! He should have been in the air port with me to meet you not asleep in the fucking car!"

"Sapnap enough, your gonna wake him, it's hard to stay awake when your tired"


I feel someone take my mask off and pick me up. I feel my comfy bed on my bed and my soft covers being pulled over my body. I feel someone kiss me on the forehead.

"Good night Clay sleep well"

I hear the person walk out of the room shutting the door behind them. I wanted to get up and walk downstairs to see how kissed me on the forehead but my bed was to soft and comfy to get out of bed.

I fall back asleep.


I wake up to the sound of glass moving around.

I stand up and walk downstairs. I stop to see Sapnap having a beer and George also having a beer. I didn't walk all the way downstairs I stopped at the stairs. I quietly walk back upstairs into my room. I shut the door and walk to the closet.

I grab my white shirt and some short black pants. I get changed into my new clothes and walk to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and use the toilet. I sigh and wash my handa and flush the toilet.

I walk back to my bed and get under the covers. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

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