Chapter 14: Never learn

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(Dreams pov)

I had to put Patches on the ground so I could take my chair apart.

My hands were shaky from the non-stop work. I could barely hear out of my ears. Sapnap walks into the room but I couldn't hear him. Sapnap taps on my shoulder and I look up at him.

Sapnap mouths move but I couldn't hear what he was saysing. I move my head to the side. Sapnap pulls out his phone. I look down at mine to see a text from Sapnap. I open it and read it.

You okay? You seem zoned out, you were supposed to take a break a few hours ago

I look up at him.

"I was?" I ask. Sapnap nods.

I look back down at my phone.

How are you feeling?

I look up at him.

"I can't hear my ears are ringing very badly" I say. I look down at my phone.

Go rest for the rest of the night you can continue the morning

I look up at Sapnap.

"Okay" I say. I put my tools down and stand up.

I pick Patches up and walk out of my office, Sapnap also walks out of my office. I shut the office door and walk into my bedroom. I open the door and put Patches on the bed. I get in the bed and pull the covers over me.

Sapnap turns out the light and walks out of the room, he shuts the door behind him. I snuggle up to my blanket and fall asleep.


I wake up feeling much better.

I get out if bed and walk to my closet. I grab some fresh clothes and put them on. I walk over to Patches. I pick Patches up and walk out of the room. I walk to my office and open the door.

Patches meows and me and I put her down on the floor. I run downstairs and grab her food bowl and fill it with food. I walk upstairs and put the food down in front of Patches. Patches starts eating.

I run downstairs again and pick up her water bowl. I walk upstairs and into my office. I put the bowl down for Patches. I get on the ground and pick up my tools again. I continue to take my chair apart again.

I hear footsteps walk over to me. I look at the door to see Sapnap standing in the doorway.

"Dude it's 4:54 in the morning" Sapnap says

"I have work to do" I say "Well work as in packing all my shit"

"Alright just remember to take breaks" Sapnap says

"I will don't worry I will take breaks" I say

"I guess your right as well we better start early so we can move quicker" Sapnap says

"I guess" I say. Sapnap looks at Patches.

"I hope she gets better soon" Sapnap says

"She will don't worry" I say

"Alright I am gonna go get dressed and pack my things as well" Sapnap says

"Okay" I say. Sapnap walks out of the room.

I continue to take apart the chair.

I have this cut on my finger from my cat and I can't write fast because it hurts like hell but I will try the best I can! For you guys anyways bye bye (tell me if you like me talking after the chapters and I will keep doing it)

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