。Loneliness 。(eng+fra)

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These are some kind of poems.... lets say, and there's one in french but idk I let it here. The mains topic of these is loneliness and light.
see you•

All alone in a house
Full of light,
That hurts me
All alone in my heart
All alone in the world
Or maybe not
Off course not
Cause you're here
And to know that you only exist, is the best thing I could have

All alone
We're both alone
So we're not ?
Right ?
If every piece of me
Feels sad and alone
Thinking that you're somewhere
In the world
Not far
Could it make me feel better
I think so
Or no
I'm sure of this
I'm sure because every star
Shining in you
Is printed in my mind

And sometimes I wonder
If I'm dead however
Or if you feel better
I wonder if it's right
For you to be my friend
If I'm not gonna take you to hell
And I wonder sometimes
If you could take me
To a place safe and calm
I love you my friend
I love you obviously
How can't you see

Les soirs d'orage,
Les soirs de pluie,
Les lumières tristes brillent
Illuminent et éclairent
Certaines parties d'une rue
A d'autres endroits,
Elles grésillent
Crépitent ou s'éteignent
Quelques fois et même souvent,
Je préfère la noirceur de ces endroits,
Je préfère la nuit au jour
Parce que plus personne ne fait attention
Parce que je voudrais disparaître
Et que l'on ne me voie pas quand je cours seule dans la rue

hello, I'm trying another concept, it's about I listen to one playlist with songs I don't know and I write the lyrics I understand, for some songs i'm forced to stop it because it's a bit too fast but this one was right cool to begin with... so let's go...

"it is expected
and both my blood
and the starlight passes overhead
yet i find myself
past this dazzly mo
come down my
i can you give you everything you need
just look my way
and there's everything that i dont know
please just say
look my way
if thats all this
what is this
im tryna save my
let me explain
cause im terrified
as i cried to leg this feeling
get it true
ill give you everything
if there's more then
just look my way
just say
please stay
just look my way
unless its me
and all i could give
its not enough
wasnt hzlf to you
iwill try to may come
just look my way
and if there's something more that i dont know
just say
please stay
look my way"

(from look my way from stolas laments)
the really 1st time i listened to it

please be all right

☆falling from the sky★

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