ʕ•̫͡•ghostʕ•̫͡•ʔ (eng)

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So, for today, I prepared some little things about the same topic as the other chapter named ghost, it is again about the dialogue with another self but there are some kind of poems too and whatever I let you see...

How are you.
I'm fine
No you're not

Rain hides my tears
No it doesn't
You're right, it hides that I'm not crying
No, it hides that you don't let your tears fall

I like you
No you don't
Yes, off course, I love you

I am a ghost
Or a dark angel
Who am I ?

What do yo think
About me
Who am I ?

What's going on
I am nothing
Who am I ?

Why am I here
Where am I
Maybe somewhere
Lost in the sky.
Or in my dreams
Like in a nightmare.
Who am I ?

What's going on
I am nothing,
What do you think
When you look at me ?

When my tears
Are falling down,
And when I cry
Who am I ?
Who are you ?

May I think
May I dream
Lost in my nightmare
I can't think.
I can't control.

I lost myself
And my soul
I can't be awake
When the world's like that
I can't
I just,

I m here oh black angel of the morning
Im not afraid any more
I'm darker than you
And trust me I'm your worse nightmare
Because gold hair and eyes more green than the sea
Are not what makes me
I'm here and you're not
dark angel of the morning


'I felt like my problems were blown away. The vocalist was screaming out for me. He was pleading for me. The kids acting like everything is normal are wrong, and the kids crying are right. Those of us who feel lonely are true humans. He screamed out against the unfairness of the world as he lashed out and shattered it. He saved me.' Iwasawa /Angel Beats/

I love quoting these days, because I think these words are powerful and tells about the truth. I couldn't write them better... so to tell you what Iwasawa describes is exactly how I feel like about the vocaloid...

see you

going to see the storm

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