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People always told me that any thing I could read in books, or watch on tv, was whatever a fiction. Yes of course. fiction. I initially thought that they were thinking about the fairy tales and dystopia stories. But they meant any thing, so that means even the stories taking place in a reality close to ours. I then thought innocently that they meant because the characters were not real, the story wore the name of fiction. But even then, a global character, whether he's called William or Elias, or any other name, is whatever a kind of personality which represents a part of the real population. And now I think I got the real meaning of "fiction". It is a mirror. A mirror of the reality. The most your mirror is distorted, the most your reflection will be too, like of course in the fantasy stories or all this kind of thing. But most of the time, a mirror only makes 3d real things become on one single plan and reverses the right and the left. So the finality is that the reflection is in barely all points similar, and all the same, fiction is scarcely the same as reality. It does exist, accentuating the depth of the reflected picture, making it a bit worse than what we know, so that it seem "real" to us, but that we still can say oh that's awful, hopefully, it was "fiction". Then the readers or watchers don't understand what we shew them. Maybe that sociology is about to reveal things, whereas us, writers, we're here to denounce. So if the conclusion you get out of a movie or a book is "hopefully it isn't real" you didn't get the point. What I want to say is that usually we don't write awful lifelike situations just to make you happy of yours. We show you what could it become, or what others people do really live. Or how it is just one step from the nightmare... well that's how I see things. It's like yeah, let's explain with maths, another way. It's like the "reality" is the enunciation of a fact and the "fiction" its contrapositive. Maybe we just need to find the reciprocal.

Quoth the raven, "nevermore"

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