faith in life

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You don't have any faith in life. How can you keep giving me advices such as this. How can you talk like that. I don't want you to teach me life. I can remember every single time I cried. Maybe I should write it out someday. But how can you talk like that ? I can feel your despair and faithless in everything. You criticize the ones that give you advices most of the time. Then how can you ? How can you keep shit talking about my friends like that ? In your voice it sounds like it's both my and their fault. Second you I should enjoy the happy life I was given. And take initiatives. And have fun. And stay with them. And be glad of what I have. But all I thought I could hold tightly in my fingers just slipped away. Threads tied and untied as swiftly as the wind. How can you talk like that. You lost your faith. You seem struggling. But, who is the one struggling, actually ?

That's what I had in mind and that I went away to write. That's why I stopped myself from yelling at you. What I thought while getting lectured : "you haven't any faith in life"

Life is so much exhausting

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