october poems (f+e) °

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{Neige tachetée de sang
Reve dissipé dans le vent
Espoir sombre enfin réveillé,
Qui viens te montrer comment briller,
Puis enfin comment chuter

Neige tachetée de sang,
Douce lune de printemps
Étoiles scintillantes dans ce ciel,
Qui nous apparait à tous éternel
Mais surtout irréel

Neige tachetée de sang,
Plus blessante que le tranchant
D'une arme de métal
Qui s'enfoncerais dans ma chair
Uniquement pour me faire mal

Neige tachée de sang
Peu à peu je m'éveille
Et lentement au soleil
Une étoile chute du ciel
Enfin au lointain j'entends
Souffler le vent

Neige tachée de sang
Tes yeux s'ouvrent lentement
Et enfin dégringolent du ciel
Des cristaux de glace éternelle
Qui tapissent le sol vermeil
D'une couleur nouvelle

Neige tapissée de sang
Le liquide épais s'écoule
D'une plaie béante rouge
Qui a transpercé mon coeur
Ce voile plein de malheurs
Et enfin je meurs} okay so this poem is one I reused in the chapters later and I translated it more or less in english and made another one pretty much interesting inspired by this one, it's even better.

Everything's fake We try to hide Because maybe
Everybody's fake We try to hide
Our own nature is fake
Every joy's fake We try to hide our nature  We try to hide
All of us is fake But... why... Try...
Why are we fake To hide something like that We try to hide hour nature
To hide our nature ? Maybe even the shining sun is fake

I want to hear you laugh
I want to hear you say
I know you're here
Over the moon shine
« I like you »
Somewhere lost
Over the star light
Only because I like you
Outside of my world
O yeah I want to hear it
To be something
Over your own walls

Our link, is stronger than yours.
do am I someone
Does it mean something,
do am I something
Us more than you ?
to you I think I don't
Does it mean something, us to you ?
Cause I'm just an object.

Do you know what I want to hear your cry
Do you know what I want to see your smile
Do you know where I am and will be

Sounds like a firework
Just lost in my soul   
Sounds like you are somewhere
Somewhere where I want to go
Sounds like you are someone
Who don't want to be
Anyone, anything
In that world

Sounds like I want to be
Myself and
Sounds like I am someone
Not like the other
Someone different
Not anyone
In that world

Sounds like my tears will fall,
And then be forget
Sounds like I live in
A dream
And won't leave it
Just dreaming
In that world

Sounds like I am another person
Just lost
Among the other
Just lost
Just lost
In that world
Just lost

I want to breathe
I want to cry !
I want to smile
And to shine...
Over your eyes
Over my head
I am myself
And nobody else

I am somewhere
I am someone
In that world

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