|time travel リップ (eng)

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Time travel is something we all dream about, or that sometimes we don't even look up to because we know this shouldn't exist. And in fact this can not exist. This is considered, as many other things we think are not possible to make as humains, an anomaly, something we genuinely can't understand. It is far out of any humain understanding.
Whereas there is in fact one thing that could reach us. Some tiny thing we could get. And it is that we just cannot "invent" anything. Everything is created from another object's basis and so, what it means is that time travel or even any other thing about dimensionality or whichever thing like this, has in a way, a part of it which's based on something real. Something that do really exist. Just as the theories about invisibility, teleportation, telekinesis and flying superpowers. These all seem a bit strange and maybe even irealistic, but in fact, if humain wants to fly, it's because he's seen the insects and birds flying upon him, if he wants to make objects move with his only will, it's because all the parts of a body, connected to a brain, can in fact move with the will only, even if that's heavy or whatever. If he wants to move from a place to another in no time, that only because he saw the light everywhere at the same time just because it's fast and that if something's fast and you blink during it's moving, it's just like it teleported itself to some other place. And it's the exact same thing for the invisibility, it's because glass, air, microbes and many like these are things we can't actually see but does exist. Nothing is invented.
Then from what did the time travel and other dimensions came from ? I in fact don't really know. And this is only my theories about imagination and anything.

I don't have anything to say. Except that I discovered the word stifle.
And that I modified a bit my playlists.

And that I hate dogs.

see you

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