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Hello ! I'm currently writing a story (in french sorry) named "Unknown" (the translation, in french is "Inconnu,e") and as I write the plan (well I don't know how to express it, the structure if you like it more) and here are some sentences of the 'plan'... well it will take long before I get many of these. but I think they're classy.

yearns to learn

like bugs around dirt

Hello. loves rain. but time runs. it falls like tears. hurry and quick.

running in the rain. white. bicoloured monsters

dream. girl eyes open. listening to the wind.

don't know who. whispers. names. and closes her eyes then falls asleep with a smile on her face.

Octave wakes up. Tears. don't know what's happening to him.

Goes out in the city for a walk. 5 in the morning. left a note for her son.

I don't know why I'm doing things. Why I'm touching things or eating things. These are stuff I don't understand.

cool taste in mouth. chilly sensation. all that matters is the feel.

that's amazing how I can eat a lot without being hungry. Hunger is a feeling I can't have, I am not hungry, I cannot be hungry. However, I eat. And it seems so strange, like... I can stop eating whenever I feel like it and won't ever feel hunger. I eat by habit and because I have to find something to do else than just sit still. That's one of my problems, it makes me eat a lot without keeping track of what do I eat and how much.

The whole world that surrounded her was spinning around.

White blurr. Blooming scarlet flowers.

Can make it to the computer. John can make it to copy all the files.

At home he tries to use some tricks but it doesn't seem to work,

These are the ones who daily live there. He searches in the list and finds many patients with the name of the number Eos.

They get the whole list and try to find which one is the one, opening each file to show Octave the face of the girl.

They're all girls. And all have those same asymmetrical eyes.

They finally get to the girl named Eos three (still think it's her) and then a little squeak escapes from Octave, with a tremendous voice, he says :

"It's not the girl in my dream. It's my aunt."

It was the woman he saw when getting out of the hospital the first time

and she fell. a whole arm of hers ached. she was hurt. her head spinning round. all blur and her arm couldn't move. she felt off.

she was sixteen years old and when she felt sad, a sole eye of hers shed tears.

I think I barely should write a movie or serie scenario because so many times I don't know how to write things more than these little sentences, it doesn't need explanations, it's clear and neath, what does it need more ?

clear as clouds after rain

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