The aesthetic

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What I love in this world is the aesthetic. How our taste is defined and what it makes us like. I love bright colours and pretty shades. I love contrast and all that it means. I love natural colours and created ones. I love how it can draw feeling, emotions, only colours. How it can convey a whole vibe. That's a language, one some of us just can't understand. The language of beauty and aesthetic. Maybe I don't fully understand it either, but I kind of enjoy it. I don't actually do anything for the fact of doing it, mostly for the aesthetic. It's just like the way you pick a shirt on morning, do you prefer the cool one with little paint drops on it or the simple white one, or even the black one because you wanna wear a sweater and it will get along well ? I decide things in order to match them in the best adjustment. I bear duties just as I wear my wearing style clothes. The things I wanna associate, everything in my life is for the aesthetic I wanna convey, and what's fun with it is that people look at it, they barely literally touch it, but none of them gets the whole meaning of this aesthetic. Maybe that I don't speak this language well enough yet, or maybe it's them who don't. Maybe my meaning is whether too deep whether not enough. I don't exactly know, but in fact, who cares. We all live for the aesthetic ?
I don't think so. Some just don't care. But why do they fucking live for ?
Overthinking. Another aesthetic word. The aesthetic of twisting your mind in every way and feeling bad and having negative thoughts but still being able to explain it in one word others don't fully understand.
Maybe that's what an aesthetic is. Something people might not fully understand, not all at the same level, but that you still explain to them.
You forgive people, because they don't understand. Because it's not their fault. Never. It's always yours.
You're the overthinker. You're the strange one, the divergency.
You forgive them because you don't understand them either and because you wish they would forgive you.
You forgive them because you hate yourself.

You forgive them because they just can't be blamed for not being you. 

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